It is a faithful companion, a hunting partner, counsellor, baby's playmate and guard, and a cleaner in various circumstances. Aremu Ayodeji, Adewuyi My apologies if any creative is offended by the use of their work prior to express permission granting.R E S P E C TYour participation on this platform is allowed, encouraged, and highly appreciated, as long as you warrant that you will not post any messages that are harmful to young people (especially children), disrespectful, actively or passively aggressive, hateful, hurtful, racist, deliberately offensive, homophobic, threatening, defamatory, damaging or otherwise violative of any laws. Explanation Our noble Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) informs us that close to the establishment of the Hour, the River Euphrates will uncover a treasure of gold or a mountain of gold, meaning the gold will come out as a mountain; and people will fight over it because it is one of the trials. 10 Again, a derived, complex lexical item with the formative t for three as the final constituent. Cet article utilise des donnes linguistiques et culturelles tangibles pour mettre en question des hypothses de migration du Moyen-Orient, avec des chos d'hritage smitique. In addition to any number of access ways and paths converging into orta, orta serves, in its own right, as a veritable arena of encounter, an arena of contact among beings, and for the exchange of goods and values. * Note: This suggests that Btonu does not add identical denomination and does not, unlike Yorb, count and/or name denominations in multiples using the number units two to ten, as in ogj and gta. In this essay, I explore the production and use of charm and amulets in Yoruba culture. If a systematic inquiry into dog names and the culture of humananimal relations beyond mere ecological coexistence among the Yorb and the Btonu reveals a commonality that is also particular to the two groups or to the sub-region to which both belong, we would again like to use its conclusions to interrogate hypotheses about the external history of both peoples. Source: Abdn (2014: 151). No one gets angry because everything said in anger at that moment will come to pass no matter the magnitude, even if u mistakenly curse your children out of frustration. The term sekuru in the Btonu language (Schottman Reference Schottman1993) has the double meaning of shame or embarrassment and modesty, respectfulness, deference or even timidity. This may include herbs in the form of an infusion, enema, etc. The female body overflows dangerously but necessarily once a month; insects and worms in the body can overflow their "bags" in the body if they are given too much sweet (tasty) food. If, as Abdn (Reference Abdn2014: 139) states, the rkr on Zollman gr If is exceptionally long, then it must be from the tail of a horse, and is called rkr due to its morphological resemblance to the type carried by babalwo and ba. If the answer is as uncertain as is the case for If, then we have good grounds to find corroborating evidence here too, in the lore of both peoples, in order to argue for a remote antiquity in their association and this certainly renders nonsensical a Middle Eastern or an Asia Minor migration to West Africa. Notice that Palau Mart takes care to mark the tones of the b forms but not the Btonu forms, perhaps in accordance with the conventional orthography of Btonu (see also Schottman Reference Schottmann.d.). INCANTATIONAL LYRICS (gd/f) Curiosity, greedy observation and my passion for Yoruba history landed me on the side that civilized people hated most. 21 It may be rewarding to read Schottman's two articles Proverbial dog names of the Baatombu (Reference Schottman1993) and Baatnu personal names from birth to death (Reference Schottman2000) together. 25 All of the items in this table, along with their glossal notes, are taken from Schottman (Reference Schottman1993: 548f). I wish, therefore, to consider name as the form, and naming as its concomitant and culturally idiosyncratic ethnic or people-specific underpinning. According to Palau Mart (Reference Palau Mart1992): Dans le systme de parent bariba, la relation entre neveu et oncle maternel est valorise, et le neveu peut s'approprier des biens de son oncle. Comments that do not align with the previously-stated expectations will be deleted swiftly.E je br, awo olgbeb.K E Y W O R D S Yoruba | Yoruba Lesson | Learn Yoruba | Yoruba Class | Yoruba Course | Yoruba People | Yoruba Culture | Yoruba Tradition | Yoruba Dressing | Yoruba Lessons with Aderonke | Yoruba Teacher | Yoruba Lessons for Beginners T A G S #Yoruba #YorubaLesson #LearnYoruba #YorubaClass #YorubaCourse #YorubaPeople #YorubaCulture #YorubaTradition #YorubaDressing #YorubaLessonsWithAderonke #YorubaTeacher #LearnYorubaWithAderonke #BasicYoruba #YorubaLessonsforBeginners Shop Yorb-Learning Aids: hasContentIssue true, The horse in Yorb discourse and material culture, The horse and rider predicate in personal names and naming, The horse in other spheres of Yorb life, Copyright International African Institute 2018. Although dog names among the Yorb do not reflect the circumstances of the birth of the animal, as names of people do, they too encode the messages, admonitions, advice, aspirations and desires of their human owners and/or their families. However, only a few of these African culture critics know that the western science also has its roots in the same principles as that of Africa. While the claim that allopathic approaches, of which orthodox medicine is a form, is only occupied with getting rid of the symptoms rather than concerned with identifying and removing the causes of illness is not entirely true (e.g., the link between STDs and casual intercourse), homeopathic adherents would suggest that Yorb medicine performs three distinct functions: Modern orthodox medicine has a place for this concept whereby all aspects of the patients needs, psychological, physical and social, and mentally are said to be taken into account and seen as a whole. The Yorb data presented below represent the tip of the iceberg, if for no other reason than that we have not been able to conduct the necessary fieldwork, not even for Yorb alone. 33 One to-carry-dancing or carry for ritual purposes/for performance. It is a charm used in frightening an enemy or an antagonist. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Comments that do not align with the previously-stated expectations will be deleted swiftly.E je br, awo olgbeb.K E Y W O R D S Yoruba | Yoruba Lesson | Learn Yoruba | Yoruba Class | Yoruba Course | Yoruba People | Yoruba Culture | Yoruba Tradition | Yoruba Dressing | Yoruba Lessons with Aderonke | Yoruba Teacher | Yoruba Lessons for Beginners T A G S #Yoruba #YorubaLesson #LearnYoruba #YorubaClass #YorubaCourse #YorubaPeople #YorubaCulture #YorubaTradition #YorubaDressing #YorubaLessonsWithAderonke #YorubaTeacher #LearnYorubaWithAderonke #BasicYoruba #YorubaLessonsforBeginners Shop Yorb-Learning Aids: You are already subscribed to our newsletter! READ ALSO:UPDATED: Popular Actor, Ajigijaga, Is Dead. This is also why I would agree with Robin Law (Reference Law1980) about the historical importance of the festival of so-sin, horse-tying, among the Ewe-Fon of the BeninTogo littoral. Ork has a primordial status among Yorb verbal arts. Riddles such as the two below one that alludes to a horse and one that refers directly to a horse occur rather commonly. Spells For Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Spells To Get A Job Use White Magic In Your Favor, ST. 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Names in column three involve simple, uni-lexical predicates d, to develop into or become, and t, become equal to while the complement or object in each case is ynb, white person. I present only two areas here: anthroponyms of twins and birth order terms; and dog names. Its b cultural content and practice differ significantly from its reference and importance in Btonu. The three terms gloss as follows in Yorb: jnu (<-j-nu, that which is used to pick the mouth), ks and gr. Table 8 Names that incorporate the horse and rider predicates. With Halloween right around the corner and anti-Black sentiment in the air, it was important to add some resistance to the status quo, and discover a bit more about Black people's gloriously magical past. Source: Drewal and Mason (Reference Drewal and Mason1998: 223). While most Africans use these powers for negative ventures, the whites glory in using the powers to invent stuff that bring about societal advancement. It is used when you want a person to grant your request after a command is made. Our interest here is the historical or diachronic implication of the differences observable between the two systems. What is under the Euphrates River? As Yorb scholars, our point of departure ought to have been to ask rnml, if we were not still roaming the wilderness in intellectual and physical exile: In the absence of Ifs counsel, we must turn to the lore of both peoples as codified in macro-linguistic units such as we (commonly glossed as proverbs), riddles, idoms and ork, and to usages that contextualize these units in the life of the people. Such areal features suggest that there might be a great deal more to gain from a systematic inquiry into macro-linguistic units, which gives folklorists no end of delight. Its nimbleness makes it easy for those entitled to use it to handle it with dignity and grace. What does it mean to have ancestral spirit? Click on Playback speed: the slowest is 0.25 and the highest is 2. 29 I wish to acknowledge Rowland Abdn in calling our attention to this and to the following excerpt of f. Granted no suitors up to now have moved you, Their triumphs have enriched will you content. Out of 875 entries of substantives that serve as a vehicle for instances of we, I identified fourteen occurrences of the term in (horse), and the same number for a (cloth), ad (chicken) and od (river or stream) (see Table 9). 3 Plural Baatombu; also referred to as Bariba; listed as related to Yorb. Consider the following facetious citation of palm wine, that readily accessible indigenous lubricating oil of social gatherings among the Yorb and probably throughout West Africa: If the horse is so integral to Yorb life on earth which, after all, is j, a journey, and thus makes all humans pilgrims what is its place in Yorb thinking about death and dying? This is used to hypnotize people. . 22 For a brief account of this myth, see . By language, I do not mean isolable morphemes and lexical items, although one may consider them symbols par excellence that embody significant memories. The term crossroads, most commonly used to gloss the Yorb lexical item orta, does not adequately convey its meaning. When people keep enjoying musical lyrics such as Kukere & Azonto, I was falling in love with incantational lyrics, what brought about this? And this transcultural validity is not accidental; rather, it speaks to the deep historical relatedness of the two cultures, which would hardly be the case in an argument based on the Kisra legend of migration, or on any other legend. They encapsulate consequences for a people and, certainly, for peoples in a situation of culture contact. The fundamental henotheistic conception and configuration of the Yorb pantheon is not identifiable with or traceable to any Middle Eastern or Semitic antecedent pace Blj dw. And, when a dog becomes rabid, when it dies, or when it has to be put to sleep, the household experiences a trauma nearly as great as when the family loses a human member. In fact, among the Yorb verbal arts, the genre in essence unequivocally but graphically presents whatever idiosyncratic observations, qualities or attributes single out its subject. How do we test these received myths for validity? Source: Table based on . [1], Buckley claims that traditional Yorb ideas of the human body are derived from the image of a cooking pot, susceptible to overflowing. According to A D Buckley, Yorb medicine has major similarities to conventional medicine in the sense that its main thrust is to kill or expel from the body tiny, invisible "germs" or insects (kkr and also worms (arn) which inhabit small bags within the body. If the reader divines the clue to the l pam in the second example, without a peek at the footnote, we will have embraced the challenge and the discipline required to uncover why Borgu is, in the final analysis, the orta of the cultures in the sub-region of encounter between the Yorb and the Btonu, and why Borgu has played that role since times remote enough to make any myth of a Middle Eastern provenance implausible for any of the peoples who have always inhabited our space, our place on this planet even if the myth of a Middle Eastern or Semitic provenance did not run counter to what recent inquiries into the human genome suggest as the direction of out-migration of the human species from its African locus of emergence. It appears, however, that Btonu gives primacy to addition anchored on base five. Had built the god a hundred giant shrines, A hundred altars, each with holy fires.Footnote 2, A tn n padNow it flows thither. They both employ the arithmetical processes of addition and subtraction. Re: Yoruba Incantations. Things they would naturally not do or refuse to do. We know that b is geographically surrounded almost entirely by Borgu. I therefore do no more than raise questions to which later inquiry may offer answers. the russian invasion of afghanistan took place in 1979, or 1400 according to the hijri calendar. Search: Powerful Yoruba Incantations. Afose. But in twelve days, The Father returns to Olympus Footnote 1. The rkr from the horse's tail is most suitable for ritual performance purposes, but is unsuitable for babalwo to acknowledge one another at solemn moments, or for dispensing and/or asserting the or effective power, which they alone may deploy during the process of divination. Thus, babalwo or If exponents, commonly referred to as diviners, wish for and express ultimate success by riding a horse when practising their profession: in ni n ma gn awo (the horse it is I will ride to dispense the mystery of essence and existence). Table 6 Comparative terms for equine' in West African languages. What do you call someone who does voodoo? Does this suggest that the forms have other semantic references, even in b, than just the order of birth to the same mother? It is more likely to be the case that the treasure mentioned in the hadith of Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with him) is the treasure that will be uncovered when the water level of the Euphrates drops, or it may be something else. One of the areal semiotic features of the NigerCongo cultures (read languages) is the use of kinship terms to refer to the notion of constituency. Please continue to support me.Link to this channel: yorubarelated@gmail.comMy Intro: I D E O T I T L E W I T H O U T T O N E M A R K S F O R E A S Y S E A R C HAba Talagemo Ba Da Ni Orisa/Oosa Oke n GbaR E F E R E N C E D V I D E O S R E F E R E N C E D Of: An Introduction to Incantations: Algemo Ti Bmo R N: se | What Does 'Ase' Mean? Rowland Abidn (Reference Abdn and Abimbola1975) notes that the sculpture and apparatus of If range from natural unadorned objects such as ikin (sacred palm-kernel nuts) to the highly sophisticated and sculptured gr If (a wooden vessel with lid) for housing ikin. They are important because, as far as we can see, the future is infinite and our past conceptually finite, but both are enumerable. The horse and one that alludes to a horse occur rather commonly on Playback speed: the is! Purposes/For performance riddles such as the two systems to Olympus Footnote 1 historical. 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