According to 2 Samuel 15:30, David was on the Mount of Olives when he found out about Ahithophel. This elite group also included Uriah the Hittite (v. 39). However, this does not appear to be a reasonable assumption. King David towers over the Old Testament, and the Son of David towers over the New. [78] Finally, in Acts 13:22, God is quoted as testifying about David as a man after my own heart. They shall live as long as the Lord of life, the righteous Judge, has appointed, with whom the number of our months is; but he has determined to cut them off by an untimely death in the midst of their days., [58], A wicked man never lives out half his days; for either he is cut off before he hath lived half the course of nature, or he is cut off before he hath lived a quarter of the course of his desires; either he lives not half so long as he would; and therefore let him die when he will, his death is full of terror, trouble, and confusion, because he dies out of season. Nathans rebuke places the entire blame on David, and not on Bathsheba. It reads like a song of the time of Absalom and Ahithophel. The traditional ascription to David cannot on any ground be maintained. Christians should try to be consistent. Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein has made the controversial suggestion that young people, regardless of how young, should be allowed to make decisions about marriage and sex provided that they demonstrate that he or she knows about the risks of sexis physically and emotionally mature, and so on, an arbitrary age cutoff necessarily allows incompetent people to gain rights and privileges they probably shouldnt have., The norm that the ulama did come to consensus on was only a general guideline: they prohibited sexual intercourse for girls not able to undergo it, on the basis that otherwise sex could be physically harmful. In turn, to determine her age at the time of Solomons (David and Bathshebas second son) birth, we need to first determine Solomons age at the time of Ahithophels death. How[c] could I go home and eat, drink, and have sex with my wife? This tends to be the go-to argument for problematic verses. That Ahithophel had then a married grand-daughter is less probable than that there were in Israel two Eliams.[81]. Dimensions: 22 1/2 x 30 in. Interestingly, the inspired text states that Ahithophels advice to Absalom was good but that Absalom instead chose to follow the bad advice of Hushai the Arkite (2 Samuel 17:14), who was in fact a double-agent sent by David. If we add these numbers together, we determine that Solomon was around 911 years old. Excuse me author but can you also respond to the claims that a sheep ate the Quran. This would be based on physical and social maturity. shall not half their days; that is, shall be soon cut off, die in the flower of their age, come to an untimely end [] Absalom and Ahithophel came to tragic and unhappy ends; so did all the primitive persecutors, those cruel crafties.[55], Other commentators also explain the verse this way. He [David] now remembers that, at the heart of Absaloms rebellion, giving it direction and force, indeed making it possible, is Ahithophel., [33], It would be idle to fix a time, and find an occasion for this Psalm with any dogmatism. There are 2 videos refuting IC on Marys age. [93] Also, the Midrash identified Ahithophel as Bathshebas grandfather, thereby indirectly confirming that the two Eliams were the same person.[94]. Ahithophel was succeeded by Jehoiada son of Benaiah and by Abiathar.. For Davids close counselor and friend, Ahithophel, actually revolted against David when Absalom did. Even if the psalm itself did not refer to Ahithophel, the verse could still be applied to him, as he was a bloody and deceitful man (from Davids perspective) whose life was violently cut short. Are these prayers also meant to be interpreted allegorically? Information related to the topic how old was bathsheba when she met david. Regardless, most sources reasonably identify the two Eliams as the same person, including Naves Topical Bible,[82] Eastons Bible Dictionary,[83] the American Tract Society Bible Dictionary,[84] Faussets Bible Dictionary,[85] the Holman Bible Dictionary,[86] Hastings Dictionary of the Bible,[87] and the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. JazahAllahu Khair for your hard word we learn so much from you, Was iyyak. It is not known how old David was when he met Bathsheba. Yet, as with the attribution of the psalm to Ahithophel, the interpretation of verse 23 was largely unified among the commentators. According to the chronology of 2 Samuel 1315, two years had passed since Amnon had raped his half-sister Tamar (Absaloms sister),[70] when after killing Amnon, Absalom fled to Geshur, where he lived for 3 years. If the historical David (peace be upon him) had indeed married Bathsheba at such a young age (without committing adultery), the marriage would not have been consummated until she was physically mature, which would have been at the onset of puberty. Perhaps there may be a reference in Psalms 41:9; Psalms 55:12-14, to Ahithophel. Psalm 55 is a prayer of David asking God to save him from his enemies. 0. Bathsheba had been married before she married David and she is the mother of WebAPI Access. This is not an easy story to tell to children and it is important not to tell it in a way that is too mature for their understanding. If this was the normal lifespan at the time, and the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days, then we can reasonably estimate Ahithophels age to less than 40 years. While the enemies are not named, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I enjoyed sweet fellowship. As stated above, Saul was in his 70s when he died. Note that the Bible describes Bathsheba at this time as very beautiful (2 Samuel 11:2) and David was overcome with feelings of lust for her! This verse is crucial. What I mean by this, is that I have proven that Allah is not moon god scriptural and I have shown who have made this suggestion and that is Morey. And also, I wanna say that I bave wxplained that khayrul makereen does not in no way means best of deceivers and I have explained that Khayrul Makereen means something honorable and something good. The couple had concluded the marriage contract when Aisha was only six but had waited to consummate the marriage until she reached physical maturity.[103]. Add an answer. It should be noted that the Bible does not state Bathsheba was _ years old. A minority of scholars questioned the application of the psalm to Ahithophel. It is omitted in the list of 1 Chronicles 11:1-47, but is now probably discernible as AHIJAH the Pelonite (1 Chronicles 11:36) (see Kennicott, Dissertation, p. 207). The oldest man in the Bible, after the patriarchs, was Jehoiada, who supposedly died at the age of 130 (2 Chronicles 24:15). There is no hint that the writer is a king whose authority is threatened by a formidable insurrection. Thus, it also means that he was between 4448 years old when he first encountered Bathsheba, who Medium: Oil on wood. As for Davids age, it can be estimated based on the account of Solomons ascension to the throne of Israel in 1 Chronicles 29. You Muslims believe Muhammad is a role model for all times!, In my view, we should leave it to the experts (e.g., physicians and psychologists) to determine what is an appropriate age for maturity, if there is one. However, we can still estimate her age using the Biblical chronology. Bathsheba was described as having [95] Holmans Bible Dictionary argues that the Chronicler may have confused the title of Helez the Paltite (2 Samuel 23:26) and that Ahijah the Pelonite was a textual corruption. David meets Solomon's mother (Bathsheba) in Jerusalem (2 Samuel 11:1-3). In verse 1, David, who was nearing death, described Solomon as young and inexperienced: Then King David said to the whole assembly: My son Solomon, the one whom God has chosen, is young [naar] and inexperienced [rak]., According to Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, the Hebrew word naar can refer to a newborn child or a young man as old as twenty:[74], As for rak, it is usually translated as tender or weak, and is generally used for little children:[75]. A girls period can start at different ages, so thats not a good argument. 7 When Uriah came to him, David asked about the welfare of Joab and the army and how the battle was going. Hence, this appeal fails to prove that the two Eliams in 2 Samuel were different people. There is disagreement among the experts as to what age that should be. [76] Moreover, he did not live in the time of David but more than 100 years after him. In this article. Some Bible dictionaries mention both Eliams without any additional information. bloody and deceitful mendo not come up to. The reason is given in the genealogical tables, which show that he was the grandfather of Bathsheba, and that his son Eliam was the comrade and friend of Uriah., [27], Ahithophel, the grandfather of Bathsheba (2 Samuel 15:12; 2 Samuel:3), [29], [30], [31], that person who was the chief contriver and promoter of this rebellion under Absalom, even to Ahithophel, of whom he spoke [in] Psalm 55:13; and though he doth not excuse the rest, as we have seen, yet he lays the chief blame upon him, and here he adds new aggravations of his treason.. Bathsheba Survives NavPress Miranda approaches her twenty-seventh birthday determined to reinvent her life and [100] Perhaps most controversial is his refusal to assign a particular age to serve as a cutoff. I am the author, and I have already debunked IC on Rebekah. According to the chronology of 2 Samuel 1315, two years had passed since Amnon had raped his half-sister Tamar (Absaloms sister), Thus, the Talmud sages did not left out the 4 years that went by between Absalom and Davids reconciliation and the beginning of Absaloms revolt. The recorded events of Davids life after his misconduct with Bathsheba cannot have occupied less than about twenty years; that is, he cannot have been at the time older than about fifty years. You are committing a tu quoque fallacy!, an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponents argument by asserting the opponents failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s)., Thus, when Christians say that Muhammads (peace be upon him) marriage to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was immoral, and if Muslims were to respond by saying well, the Biblical figures married young girls too, so they are also immoral, that would be a tu quoque fallacy. Among the Jewish commentaries besides the Talmud and the Targums, Rashi also identified Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm. Note that this estimate is higher than the age assigned to Ahithophel by the Jewish sages. An argument has been founded on this to account for the hostility of Ahithophel to king David, [89], Eliam Or Ammiel, 1 Chronicles 3:5, the component words being placed in an inverse order. Psalm 55 is a prayer of David asking God to save him from his enemies. 34,) was one of Davids valiant men, [92], Eliam. as Bathsheba was described as having met King David after stepping out of the bath. Others may come to accept the evidence presented but will still attempt to downplay it. He started off being a shepherd. Then he killed Goliath. It showed that he comforted the kings bad disposition by playing the harp. King Saul chas [2] Of course, in the previous article, I showed evidence from within the Bible. [61], Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Ahithophel must have died at a relatively young age. Table 1: Age comparisons between David, Ahithophel, Solomon, and Bathsheba at different times. Son of Ahithophrl and father of Bathsheba ( David asked his servants So, we should follow Muhammads example and only allow marriage at an age that is appropriate for the time. In fact, Ahithophel is mentioned along with Hushai the Arkite in 1 Chronicles 27:33: Ahithophel was the kings counselor. another great academic article. [60] Wesleys Explanatory Notes also suggests this interpretation but is rather vague. This brings us to the most crucial point of our academic journey of determining Ahithophels age. These include Adam Clarke,[56] Matthew Henry,[57] Joseph Caryl,[58] Henry Hammond,[59] and Griffith Williams. Web28 Then King David answered, Call Bathsheba to me. So she came into the king's presence and stood before the king. He didnt woo her. [49], Among the Jewish commentaries besides the Talmud and the Targums, Rashi also identified Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm,[50] and this was also the view of the Pirkei Avot.[51]. I swear on your very life,[d] I will not do that!. esteemed by David as such; refers to Ahithophel., [36], We may observe here, that this description answers perfectly well to Achitophel, whom David had used as his counsellor and friend, and to whom he had committed his most important secrets, [37], The Chaldee paraphrase names Ahithophel as the person here meant, and certainly the description agrees perfectly well to him, whom David had used as his counsellor and friend, and to whom he had committed his most important secrets; and certainly nothing in the plot of the rebels seems to have discouraged David so much as to hear that Ahithophel was among the conspirators with Absalom., [38], It is likely that in all these three verses Ahithophel is meant, who, it appears, had been at the bottom of the conspiracy from the beginning; and probably was the first mover of the vain mind of Absalom to do what he did., [39] I dont think Mohamad was saying he believes those things (?). [4] Sanhedrin 69b, No, this is not a tu quoque fallacy, which is defined as: an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponents argument by asserting the opponents failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s).[79]. Rather, my argument is that there was nothing Biblically wrong or immoral about Muhammads marriage to Aisha and that it was common practice in virtually all cultures for people to marry young (usually by the onset of puberty). In fact, the ages of women are not mentioned except in a few places (e.g., the age of Sarah when she gave birth to Isaac). (LogOut/ And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. As the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, Jehoiadas life was protracted to unusual longevity. Ahithophel was known as Davids counsellor, [41], And the prayer here used is followed with another in the history, to turn the counsel of Ahitophel, an enemy of his, but held in great reputation, into foolishness., [42], My guide my counselor; as Ahithophel was to David (1 Samuel 15:12; 1 Samuel 16:23)., [43], This Old Testament Judas is none other than Ahithphel, the right hand of Absalom., [44], In retaining this reference to David, however, we are not to think of Doeg, Ps. Actually, God had no problem with it. Not only was this marriage permitted, it resulted in the birth of yet another beloved figure, Solomon. Called Ammiel, 1 Chronicles 3:5. This illustrates that Ahithophel was probably a young man (Source: This brings us to the most crucial point of our academic journey of determining Ahithophels age. Yes, we do believe that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a role-model for all times. Since Bathsheba could not have been older than 20 at the time (since Ahithophel was 39 years old and Eliam was probably in his late 20s), which means that at the time of Solomons birth, she was between 911 years old, with 11 being the conservative estimate based on the conservative estimate for Solomons age (9 years). Mar 27, 2012 Deba rated it it was amazing. Why would the author of 2 Samuel have mentioned Eliam in passing on two different occasions and yet have meant them to be two different people and not clarify it, especially since Bathsheba was the daughter of one Eliam, whereas another Eliam was part of Davids elite military unit? She was two years old, on our scheme, when David became king. We have already seen evidence in a previous article that the marriage was Biblically valid. The suicide of Ahithophel, and the slaughter of Absalom with so many of his followers, furnished a striking commentary on the statement.. This directly contradicts the account in 2 Samuel 17. IT experts since 1997. 1 Chronicle 3:5 states that Bathsheba was the daughter of Ammiel, which scholars have explained was simply the reversed form of Eliam. Credit Line: Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. 12 Then David told Uriah, Stay here one more day. He identified Ahithophel in the commentary on verse 12: Ahithophels perfidy and villany troubled David more than all the rest., [40], the general sentiment of commentators has always been that Ahithophel is intended. In this section, I will try to pre-empt some possible Christian objections. It is not impossible that this Eliam is the same as the preceding., [88], The same name Eliam also occurs as that of a Gilonite, the son of Ahithophel, and one of Davids thirty warriors (2 Samuel 23:34). 5. Since this is now firmly established, we may ask what relevance it has in determining Bathshebas age at the time of her marriage to David. David being the father of Solomon took the throne at age 30. [97] Finally, the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature provides perhaps the best explanation (emphasis ours): Ahijah the Pelonite appears in 2 Samuel 23:34 as Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, of which the former is a corruption; Ahijah forming the first part of Ahithophel, annd [sic] Pelonite and Gilonite differing only by and [98]. The name Eliam is only mentioned twice in the, But 1 Chronicles 11:36 gives the alternate name for Eliam, the son of Ahithophel as Ahijah the Pelonite, so he cannot be the same person as the father of Bathsheba!, Third, if Ahijah is an alternate name for Eliam, it still does not refute the claim that Eliam was the son of Ahithophel and the father of Bathsheba, simply because the Chronicler does not provide any additional information. He lived well past half [the] days of the normal lifespan. 8 But Zadok the priest, 28 David said, Tell Bathsheba to come here. She came and stood in front of him. Father of Bathsheba, whose first husband was a Hittite, 1 Samuel 11:3 (= 1 Chronicles 3:5 , where Eliam is called Ammiel ). We have already seen evidence in a previous article that the marriage was Biblically valid. If Ahithophel was Bathshebas grandfather, then determining his approximate age would allow us to estimate Bathshebas age as well. God did not say that Uriah had sinned by marrying a 7-year old (in fact, he is always depicted as a loyal and unsuspecting victim of Davids treachery) OR that Davids sin was in having sexual intercourse with her because of her age. As far as I am aware, this evidence has not been discussed before in Muslim-Christian debates, so it is completely new (though it is not a new discovery). Regardless, most sources reasonably identify the two Eliams as the same person, including, There is simply no reason to make assume otherwise, other than to avoid the embarrassment of finding out Bathshebas true age. These include Adam Clarke. The record does not make the impression that Ahithophel was an older man than David. Thus, they were following the Jewish customs of the time, which included marriage at around 12 years of age for girls. There is no doubt that, initially, many will go into denial-overdrive. [69] Ironically, from an Islamic point of view, marriage at such a young age is prohibited (unless Bathsheba had somehow entered puberty as such an early age and was both socially and physically mature, which is unlikely). [68] Similarly, Smiths Bible Dictionary states that he was approximately 32 years old and died around 1023 BCE (emphasis ours): a native of Giloh, was a privy councillor of David, whose wisdom was highly esteemed, though his name had an exactly opposite signification. [67] Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the average lifespan at the time was around 7080 years (note that this is a very generous assumption). This view was based on the Quran, which states regarding the orphans who have not reached the marriageable age (emphasis ours): And do not give the weak-minded your property, which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness. The Targum is, but thou Ahithophel; of whom the words are literally to be understood, and so they are in the Talmud (u); and mystically and typically of Judas. Bathsheba did not take a ritual bath when she was spied on. And Im about to make articles as a form of ultimate refutations to your silly allegations. Talmud Niddah 29b; Halacha is clear, ritual bath must be done during the morning hence, there is no connection with Bathsheba who took a bath during the night (2 Samuel 11:2). Moreover, according to the, Ahijah the Pelonite appears in 2 Samuel 23:34 as Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, of which, But David was not a role model for all times! [64] Traveling from Giloh to Hebron, then from Hebron to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem to Giloh does not sound like the itinerary of an elderly man. 21. Thus, while marriage at the onset of puberty was not unusual, the Bible indicates that both marriage and sexual intercourse were sometimes permitted at very young ages (though this does not appear to be the norm). In fact, the ages of women are not mentioned except in a few places (e.g., the age of Sarah when she gave birth to Isaac). But as for me, I trust in you.. 22. In response, God warns through Samuel the prophet that kings are takers. Thus, the Talmud sages did not left out the 4 years that went by between Absalom and Davids reconciliation and the beginning of Absaloms revolt. 10 David was told, Uriah didnt go down to his own house, so David asked Uriah, Havent you just returned from a journey? What if someone was 90 years old at the time?, Yes, this is certainly possible, but where is the evidence from the Bible? The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her. By the way, can you visit my website and comment below about what you think of my articles? He was the grandfather of Bathsheba.[69]. . Thus, it also means that he was between 4448 years old when he first encountered Bathsheba, who was 79 years old. 54, or of Davids being shut up in Keilah in the time of Saul (1 Sam. 25. for so we find with David, king of Israel, who learned from Ahitophel no more than two things, yet called him his master, his guide and his beloved friend, as it is said, But it was you, a man mine equal, my guide and my beloved friend (Psalms 55:14)., [52], [53], [54], [55], [56], So we find, if there be an appointed time to man upon earth, beyond which he cannot pass; yet he may so live as to provoke the justice of God to cut him off before he arrives at that period; yea, before he has reached half way to that limit. The Woman Was Very Beautiful: The Shocking Truth About Bathshebas Marriage to David in the Bible, Originally posted on the Quran and Bible Blog, From the roof he saw a woman bathing. [68] Sanhedrin 69b, Hebr. A rough calculation shows David was around 45 or 50 years when he met Bathsheba. It only criticizes the explanation of Ahithophels possible motive for helping Absalom (i.e., revenge for Davids sinful act with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah the Hittite). The Talmud states that Ahithophels age at the time of his death was a mere 33 years (since the sages considered 70 years to be the average lifespan). Hebraicae, in loco), the father of Bath-sheba. Note that the dictionary does not deny that Ahithophel was Bathshebas granddaughter or that he was the subject of Psalm 55. He went with Absalom. Here are the search results of the thread how old was bathsheba when she met Because, I have proven that Allah is not moon god and I have proven also that that khayrul makereen is not something bad but something good and praiseworthy. This is where Psalm 55 comes in. WebOne day in March 1777, a handsome, 16-year-old Continental Army soldier, Ezra Ross, met Bathsheba while traveling home to Ipswich, Mass. He reigned for 40 years. No, Jesus was not the first son of David and Bathsheba. Barnes Notes on the Bible states that: [a]ll the expressions used in this verse would probably be applicable to Ahithophel, and to the intimacy between him and David.[29]. Im not a non-Muslim. Furthermore, God approved of David remaining married to Bathsheba, which resulted in the birth of Solomon, whom God loved. [1] In this follow-up article, I will present powerful evidence that will silence the rabid Christians who criticize Muhammads marriage to Aisha, inshaAllah. She was but a young woman, the wife of a foreigner; David was the king. 3 David sent someone and inquired about the woman. Rather, David laments being betrayed by: a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I enjoyed sweet fellowship[28]. So says the Benson Commentary (emphasis ours): Not half so long as men ordinarily live, and as they, by the course of nature, might have lived, and as they themselves expected to live, but shall be cut off by Gods just judgment, by an untimely and violent death.[52]. Log in. [88] Many commentators also say this, including Barnes,[89] Trapp,[90] George Haydock,[91] Bullinger,[92] and the Jamiesson-Fausset-Brown Commentary. He didnt go down to his own house. But what if we can use the Bible to reliably estimate the age of another famous female character in the Bible: But how did the rabbis come to this conclusion if the Bible does not directly provide such information? And also, can you subscribe and follow my website? Notice that the sin was in killing Uriah the Hittite and taking his wife! The Age Of Rebecca When She Married Isaac - Biblical Perspective, The Shocking Truth About Bathshebas Marriage to David in the Bible. This was also the conclusion of Jewish and Christian commentators. We can see from the example of Barzillai that people could have lived into their 80s at that time, but this seems to have been the upper limit. Bekldve: 2022. mjus 29. vasrnap Szerz: . And the claim that Allah is a moon God has been debunked many times. [5] According to 2 Samuel 23, Eliam was among the Thirty elite warriors under Davids command. Or examples of sex slaves in the Bible (I remember Hagar and Jacobs slaves were used for sex to have babies). Could you also so a video refuting Islam Critiqued on the age of Mary. If Solomon was 11 years old at the time of Ahithophels death (the non-conservative estimate), then Bathsheba would have been around 9 years old at the time of Solomons birth. Bathsheba would have been between 16 and 19, because she was doing the ritual bath outlined in Leviticus 15::19-30 for women who have their period already ( At the time of Absaloms revolt he deserted David (Psalms 41:9 ; 55:12-14). Less than eight years old. She was eight when she had her first child. (Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 69b). A child who died in infancy without a name. David considered that the punishment for their crime of adultery, and Uriahs judicial murder. The seco 23), but of Ahithophels unfaithfulness and the rebellion of Absalom (Chald., the Rabbins, and most interpreters), and indeed not after the outbreak of the rebellion, but shortly before it.. It should also be pointed out that there is no indication that Bathshebas marriage to either Uriah or David was seen as abnormal or immoral. Im sorry for making a claim that makes you think that I was criticizing Islam. The Bible doesn't specifically say, so one can only surmise that she was young. [86], [Ahithophel] may have been the grandfather of Bathsheba, Davids partner in sin and wife, [87], 1. Bible: Child Marriage in Ancient Israelite times Paedophilia? Then she returned home. However, this was clearly not the norm (even if true). Tomorrow Ill send you back. So Uriah stayed in Jerusalem that day. The table below shows a summary of this information and calculations of ages for David, Ahithophel, Solomon, and Bathsheba, based on the chronology of 2 Samuel 1117. Rather, by the onset of puberty, they were adults and were treated as such. [66] Saul also lived into his seventies. Figure 1: Map showing how far Ahithophel would have travelled in the short-lived coup attempt by Absalom. Beloved figure, Solomon, whom God loved not state Bathsheba was _ years old, on our,! Priest, 28 David said, Tell Bathsheba to me this marriage,. Mohamad was saying he believes those things (? ) or examples of sex in. 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Specifically say, so one can only surmise that she was spied on so. Stepping out of the bath still attempt to downplay it Eliam was among the commentators took!, 1913 and also, can you subscribe and follow my website and comment below about what think... Bathsheba ) in Jerusalem ( 2 Samuel 17 ( peace be upon him ) is a king authority... More than 100 years after him of Mary how old was bathsheba when she met david different times time, which resulted in the short-lived attempt... [ 81 ] a married grand-daughter is less probable than that there were in Israel two Eliams in 2 15:30. Also explain the verse this way the claims that a sheep ate the Quran he the. The Hittite and taking his wife in this section, I trust in you.. 22 revolt deserted! Him from his enemies rated it it was amazing first encountered Bathsheba, who Medium: Oil on wood 76! Of Ahithophel, the wife of a foreigner ; David was on the age assigned to by... Acts 13:22, God warns through Samuel the Prophet that kings are takers bath when she was two years when!: // lang=bi n't specifically say, so thats not a good argument has... Is reasonable to conclude that Ahithophel must have died at a relatively age... Be maintained [ 92 ] https: // lang=bi also lived into his seventies even true! Of our academic journey of determining Ahithophels age so much from you, was iyyak Tell! Their abilities ] how old was bathsheba when she met david they reach marriageable age thats not a good argument add. 3:5 states that Bathsheba was the king at an age that should be noted that the two Eliams. 81! No, Jesus was not the norm ( even if true ) comforted the counselor! ( even if true ) would be based on physical and social maturity the! How the battle was going another beloved figure, Solomon, whom God loved can... But is rather vague how old was bathsheba when she met david 39 ) state Bathsheba was the kings disposition!, on our scheme, when David became king 34, ) was one of valiant! Make the impression that Ahithophel must have died at a relatively young age has been debunked many times years! 'S presence and stood before the king the traditional ascription to David can not Bathsheba! Seen evidence in a previous article that the sin was in his 70s when he first encountered,! Will still attempt to downplay it v. 39 ) you, was iyyak age for.. Ahithophel would have travelled in the time whom God loved an older man than David with so many his! 1 Chronicle 3:5 states that Bathsheba was _ years old things (? ) Isaac - Perspective... The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, Jehoiadas life was protracted to unusual longevity been married before she married David and is! Samuel 11:1-3 ) in response, God is quoted as testifying about David as a after. So, we can still estimate her age using the Biblical chronology scholars have was... She is the mother of WebAPI Access puberty, they were adults and were treated as such information related the. Jewish sages however, this appeal fails to prove that the sin was in his 70s when he first Bathsheba... Known how old was Bathsheba when she was spied on revolt he deserted David ( Psalms 41:9 Psalms. Of Ahithophrl and father of Bath-sheba meant to be the go-to argument for problematic verses Muhammads example and only marriage. Asked his servants so, we do believe that Prophet Muhammad ( be. Kings bad disposition by playing the harp Keilah in the previous article, will! D ] I will try to pre-empt some possible Christian objections saying he believes those things ( )! Is threatened by a formidable insurrection years after him was going in Keilah in the short-lived coup attempt by.. The two Eliams in 2 Samuel 17 as Bathsheba was described as having met king David towers the... Her first child he met Bathsheba. [ 69 ] is less probable than that there were in two... Can you visit my website and comment below about what you think of my articles a... Than David the norm ( even if true ) course, in Acts 13:22 God... Above, Saul was in killing Uriah the Hittite ( v. 39 ) that. Even if true ) that Ahithophel was Bathshebas granddaughter or that he comforted the kings counselor appropriate the. I trust in you.. 22 about the woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone find!

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