To contribute examples, use this form. - Revamped CCIP prgm; merged 486 MICT/IGEMS items f/3 units--eradicated 23 major findings/80% of Sq deficiencies, - Section administrator; processed 73 EPRs/decorations--sustained sterling 100% on-time submission rate - Completed 9 cr hr ldrshp/mgmt crs; fortified strategic communication/feedback skillset--shaped Sq Amn OTQ winner - Aided $899K water drainage proj; escort'd 500 OCNs f/17 MXG sites--nix'd flooding f/1.1K mbrs/10 F-22 acft/$1.2B, - Spearhead'd postal ops f/173 pax, AEW/CC/CV/CCC; 13.2K pkgs/40K lbs mail distro'd--0 discreps/A1 NCO OTM! - Oriented to AE process--honed leadership skills/steered AEs during ex--recognized as "Top Performer", - Overcame evaluation program difficulties/fixed 40 EPR backlog; 99% EPR/OPR completion rate, #1 prog in state! Your rater will decide if you performed them "expertly," or "amazingly," or . - Broad computer background--has knowledge of several computer languages, and posseses elite computer skills - Filled E-7 billet for 45 days; led 3 offices/14 enl/8 officer--key to PACAF's most dynamic tactics/training/intel prgms - Rvw'd/corrected 132 EPRs, 20 decs; reduced backlog & review time by <2 days--98% on time processing rate to FSS, - Scheduled course dates for officer and enlisted military members to attend--maximum use of available slots - Attended John Maxwell Developing the Leader Within Seminar; gained insight on leadership technique/tools - Prepares, standardizes, and enforces proper governance on all incoming and outgoing official communication, - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - CSS CC for AMC's lgst OSS; supervises 6 Civ/12 enlisted--runs 63 prgms f/Gp/5 Sqs/881 Mil/53 Civ/94 Contractors - Advises CC/sq leadership on all personnel issues, coordinates and schedules calendar for all front office & sq activities - Oversees UIF process, grp in/out processing; GTC prgm mgr, grp urinalysis & fire evac accountability monitor CSS Commander - Great Mentor! - Assisted CS w/no-notice urinalysis; gathered 200 samples/4 positive results--supported AF zero tolerance drug policy - Confident leader; won't compromise AF Core Values; enforced AF standards of conduct among subordinates - Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15, - Hands-on mentor/leader; demanded quality stds on pgms/processes--vaulted QA pass rate to 92%, 1st Qtr '12 - Opportunist; revived group evaluation program; 150+ late evals found/processed-- decreased overall overdue by 40% - Accountable for timeliness, accuracy, and maintenance of published content to Air Force Portal and SharePoint - Procured $35K HQ furniture contract; negotiated 23% cost savings--3 new workspaces created in new PACED org - Guided Sq Amn; org'd university transcripts/vol'd 50 hrs at local elem/wrote BTZ pkg--mbr selected #1 in Wg, - Hand-sel'd for mentor session w/18AF/CCC; gained ldr insight to Enl dev--guided 6 fellow NCOs thru PME process - Sq AFPAAS COR; verified/corrected duty statuses for 75 mbrs--ensured 100% accountability for 275 mil/civ prsnl - Manages organization's newcomers prgm; organizing/presenting briefings for civilians transitioning into the military, - Leads 7 mbr-tm; dir milpers ops for 1.3K HAF/SAF Staff Amn & 25 DoD agencies; provides elite spt to top AF ldrs - Led PIF overhaul; mng'd digital upgrade f/754 docs/streamlined EPR prcs--enabled geo-sep supervisor viewing capes, - Led Trusted Agent Drug Demand Reduction prgrms; enforced strict 2hr timeline--80 mbrs test'd w/100% compliance If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. - Supervised det manning; led ofc during 30% change in 2 mos--acquired/trained 3 prsnl/in-tune w/ A3/TRSS priorities - Responded to 1700+ deaths and 2500+ Airman who became ill or injured during this period. Exemplifies the leadership and managerial qualities that qualify him for increased responsibilities - Attended and graduated HSA course; validated himself as a fully qualified MSC officer proficient in medical - Lead Trusted Agent for Drug Demand Reduction; facilitated testing of 248 Amn--enforced AF zero tolerance policy - Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community, - Attended 2-hr A&FRC ldrshp crs; mentored HS students/est team collaboration--bridged generational gap w/42 teens - Organized, implemented plan to correct, update squadron's e-mail global information for ORI--key to success - Coordinates w/ 143 SR & 14 ML senior mil/civ ldrs assigned to the NCR on 40 personnel pgms, policies/procedures, - Primary AROWS-R order specialist and UTAPS manager responsible for maintaining status and participation - Add'l Duties: UCC/DDRP/Civilian pay/Sec mgr/AtHoc/LeaveWeb/CSL/UFPM/UPM/Quarters notices/Recall Roster, - Mng's Commander's prgms including Evals/Decs/Leave/Fitness/Sponsor/Duty status/Trusted Agent f/64 mil/civ prsnl - Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets The book Air Force Officer Opr Bullets Examples PDF Kindle is very good and also much like today. - Hosted AF Corrosion Office field survey; no findings/one benchmark for Wg--noted as "very impressive pgm", - Impeccable communicator & word-smith; voices reasoned concerns & ideas to ldrshp--promotes dialogue exchange - Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC. - Security Manager; processed 4 incidents/validated clearances--advised CC/process'd infamous Cold War-era deserter - Oversees installation DEROS Program/Command Sponsorship Program (CSP)/51 FW's SrA BTZ central boards - Selfless mentor; constantly rendered assistance to co-workers--received "Outstanding Performer" three times - Promoted unit cohesion; actively mentored junior personnel/encouraged cross org interations--boosted esprit de corps 1A3X1 Airborne Mission Systems. - Mentored Amn/peers; consistently advises six Flt Amn on career outlook--exemplified supervisory/ldrship skills - Remarkable NCO; continually proved leadership skills; respected by peers/team--occupied XSgt billet for X-months - Hand-picked f/new Wg A-Staff CSS; stood up 8 directorates/mng'd 60 CSS pgrms frm scratch--superb prsnl spt to 75, - ID'd Official Mail meter gap; coor'd w/A1/secur'd funded equip--$70K saved/avert'd stoppageUSAFE benchmarked, - Led RAF Digby APO SAV; ID'd 26 process deviations/trained Official Mail Manager--DoD compliant/4K customers, - Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments, - USAFE 3F5 SME! - Organized MXS/CC call; coor'd time/location for eight briefings--climate survey/critical info delivered to Sq - Managed monthly ETS roster; Coord/tracked 246 reenlistment and extensions; ensured operational goals cont'd met - Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD - Completed 2 John Maxwell 5-hour ldrship/prof writing crs's; implemented principles--mentored first term Amn, - Completed 3-day AMC Comm Skills Trng; gained conflict mgmt/effective feedback tools--refined supervisory skills - Asst' w/Outbound/Rets&Seps merge, vetted 21 task to sharepoint prgm--increased msn efficiency&>cust prg'n time - Purged 180+ UPRGs; ARPC received vital prsnl records; electronic record established; simplified VA processing, - QB'd base assignment prcs; revived virtual sys/QC'd 1.1K docs, gen'd orders f/168 prsnl--steward'd $1.7M PCS funds - Executed $315K TDY dispersal; provided funds/orders 396 prsnl/27 locations--completed PACOM & CENTCOM lines Contact Delivered COVID spt; dir d CC new ops stream . - Executed GI/GS clinic daily ops; coordinated 375 visits/146 procs--averted $40K MTF ref costs/7K enrollees, - Expediently converted 800 incentive records to electronic media; cleared open discrepancy; 100% MICT compliance - Coor'd extensively w/ functional SME's-provided budget/resources-enabled 2 dplymt missions-eased FY constraints CC's confidant; processed 100+ urinalysis requests for Aviano AB busiest Squadron--100% notified, - Steered Squadron's GTC program; 600+ cards scrutinized/managed--delinquencies diminished 30% by Jul's 4th Qtr, - Dedicated SNCO! Consult The Tongue and Quill for additional questions . - Attended Leadership I Challenge program; futhered abilities to make sound desicions & effectively lead airmen, - AUAB Top III Prof Dev Chair; reviv'd latent pgm/creat'd 14 lessons/6 jnt workshops--mentor'd/shap'd 183 future ldrs - Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member - Managed 51 mbr Leave Prgm; reviewed/reconciled 197 cases--enabled 1.5K leave days/uphold congressional mandate, - Managed 52 prsnl records; executed 86 MilPDS/54 CMS actions--facilitated accuracy/integrity of prsnl promotion rec - Processed over 200 patient records requests at 452 AMDS clinic; enforced 100% HIPPA compliance standards, - Propelled sect unity/processes/15 mbrs; attend'd 4-day PCMH crse--garnered 100% EOC test/2 creds f/CCAF - Leader; discouraged Amn from following corrupt example; preserved VA disability benefits for needy members - Created monthly MSG/CC PowerPoint briefings; provided on-time statistical analyses of contracts trends/data, - Critical PDF/DCC member during training exercise Snowbird; processed 132 Amn; ensured 100% on time departure - Processed 40 TR's; 300 referral & 15 missing rpts in MilPDS/CMS; minimum errors--ensured mbr rec updated Contact - Expertly assisted 112 wing users to resolve computer access problems; users back online in record time; Guru! - #X/XX Wg Lts! - Steadfast oversight as Wing SAPM! - Selected CAST lead; facilitated multiple agency collaboration for AD casualty/wounded--seamless operations Use periods after bullets; it's just bad form Use more than one exclamation mark in a row at the end of a bullet: "!" is ok; "! - Spearheaded FSC's Newcomers' Orientation; designed outstanding cultural briefing--350 members acclimated A few Additional Bullets: As Line Division Officer LT Smith supervised the training of 48 men and women in the Plane Captain responsibilities. - Invaluable CSS exp; reviewed/processed 70+ performance reports in 1 mth--reduced processing time 50%, - Knowledgeable/reliable; was hand picked to work at the BITC due to low manning--ensured base msn success, - Lead CPR Instructor & Fitness Program Manager; trained 15+ PTLs; maintained 100% FA program compliance - FSS/OSS liaison; Sq's sole 38F rep, advises Sq/CC on all personnel issues, resolves MPF conflicts/MilPDS discreps - Excelled as org's CoS; integrated process--improvement s/w into onboarding TTP IOT expedite staffing requirement, - Exceptional mentor/leader; produced two SSgt promotees/Chief's Grp Sharp Amn Awd winner--dvlpd future leaders! - Sought ldrshp challenge; chaired Wg's 1st ever Cardboard Boat Race--enjoyed by 137, fostered esprit de corps, - Spearheaded NSI prep; achieved 100% nuke surety test pass rate/10 perfect scores--wg rec'd highest rating Led 4-mbr mil/civ tm; boosted cybersecurity posture/4 Sq--earned Gp's Amn/NCO Info Dom wins - Directly supports Commander, coordinating and scheduling MS Outlook calendar of all front office activities, - Manages all Wing publications and forms development, design, control, storage, lifecycle, and dissemination and the book is really useful and certainly adds to our knowledge after reading. - Directorate GPC cardholder; manages budget/purchasing, and maintains supply requirements for J5 directorate, - Oversaw DDRP; sched'd 432 tests/aided as observer in wg-wide, no notice sweep--enforced AF zero drug tolerance std, - TMT AO; facilitated unit & HHQ data collab/disseminated 338 tasks to 7 flts--spt'd crit AF-lvl policies, prgms & awds, - Group GTC Monitor; 465 accounts, established weekly tracker, updating senior leaders--provided 100% accountability, - Managed CC admin actions; est'd routing tracker/scrutinized 200+ coordinations--streamlined MXG admin processes, - Led FS COVID blood drive; coord'd w/ops f/28 pilots/netted 100 units/no flts lost--spt'd crit local need/beat trgt x138%, - Trusted agent! - Organizational master! - Virtualized in-processing; eliminated need for face-to-face contact--eradicated possible exposure/spread of COVID19, - WAPS monitor; ensures all enl mbrs receive CDCs & coords with FSS for in- & out-of-cycle promotion testing EPR Bullets. - Directed semi-annual tool kit inspection; identified/corrected <50 discrepancies--aided 90% QA pass rate Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year - Delegated effectively; trusted workctr Amn with msn--discovered, remedied obstacles, improved site output 40%, - Deployed spouses liaison; performed yard/vehicle mx--permitted mbr's to maint'd focus on OEF/OIF efforts - Spearheaded cmd staff awards prgm; vetted all HQ staff pkgs--ensured recognition of all mil/civ personnel

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