Seeing Jesusshow up in the midst of doubt is exhilirating! if (nmFlex) { Holly has volunteered in the early childhood department for over five years and was hired as the Early Childhood Director in July of 2017. 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The ministry of Mountain is shared by all those who commit to the mission of making more and better disciples, and . Service Times. $('.page-animate').addClass('page-animate-hidden'); )","ig"),ca=function(a,b,c){var d="0x"+b-65536;return d!==d||c?b:0>d?String.fromCharCode(d+65536):String.fromCharCode(d>>10|55296,1023&d|56320)},da=function(){m()};try{H.apply(,v.childNodes),E[v.childNodes.length].nodeType}catch(ea){H={apply:E.length?function(a,b){G.apply(a,}:function(a,b){var c=a.length,d=0;while(a[c++]=b[d++]);a.length=c-1}}}function fa(a,b,d,e){var f,h,j,k,l,o,r,s,w=b&&b.ownerDocument,x=b?b.nodeType:9;if(d=d||[],"string"!=typeof a||!a||1!==x&&9!==x&&11!==x)return d;if(!e&&((b?b.ownerDocument||b:v)!==n&&m(b),b=b||n,p)){if(11!==x&&(o=$.exec(a)))if(f=o[1]){if(9===x){if(! He joined the team at Journey in 2017. NM.flexVersion = '2.0'; We have a great team of staff and volunteers who are looking forward to hearing from you! CONNECT CARD Sunday Worship Live @ 9AM | 11AM FACEBOOK LIVE YOUTUBE Worship Tools Take a Next Step PRAYER REQUEST EVENTS FIND A GROUP GIVE HERE (or text any amount to 84321) Sermon Notes February 26, 2023 Journey Church adheres to some fundamental beliefs as described in the Bible. He was born in Greenville, SC and lived both in Europe and Asia before settling with his family in Winter Park, Florida where he graduated from High School. Richelle is wife to Al Menez and proud mother of three wonderful children Rommel, Arielle, and Ally. !1:"null"===c?null:+c+""===c?+c:P.test(c)?n.parseJSON(c):c; } By the way, we utilize a check-in system that ensures a safe environment for your child and also allows for efficient drop-off and pick-up for parents. They are passionate about the Church and wholeheartedly believe it is the hope of the . When not at Journey you can find her circleyoutubecircledollar circleemail. The Journey Residency is a two-year, full-time leadership training program designed to give hands-on experience working with one of the staff teams of the church, personal mentoring and leadership training to equip emerging leaders who feel called to vocational church ministry. nmFlex.smartTooltip('.js-disabled-link, .js-editor-tt', 'is-small'); :([+-])=|)("+S+")([a-z%]*)$","i"),U=["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"],V=function(a,b){return a=b||a,"none"===n.css(a,"display")||!n.contains(a.ownerDocument,a)};function W(a,b,c,d){var e,f=1,g=20,h=d?function(){return d.cur()}:function(){return n.css(a,b,"")},i=h(),j=c&&c[3]||(n.cssNumber[b]? Feb. 16-18 at Baylor University's Truett Seminary, we convened our second national conversation about racism in the white church, "Time to Wake Up."Although those attending were passionate about the program and online and social media comments before, during and after ran about 10-1 in favor of the work, I personally received a number of scathing comments via email, Twitter and my ghost . t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; When hes not working at Journey you can find him, Paddle boarding, trying new coffee shops, and traveling with his wife and kids, Helping families in Argentina with his non-profit "20 for 20", roundedemailKayla Mehlenbacher, Meet Kayla Mehlenbacher who joined the Journey team in 2022 as the Childrens Minister. // fade site out before redirect for smooth transition if (event.persisted) { } } else { } else { NM.ckEditor = {}; Mhonsi knew the Lord at a young age and his parents dedicated him to God for full time ministry. window.location.reload() // if in editor mode }); (,2),f=function(){return a.apply(b||this,d.concat(},f.guid=a.guid=a.guid||n.guid++,f):void 0},,support:l}),"function"==typeof Symbol&&(n.fn[Symbol.iterator]=c[Symbol.iterator]),n.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split(" "),function(a,b){i["[object "+b+"]"]=b.toLowerCase()});function s(a){var b=! if ( /^((?!chrome|android). He brings a unique perspective to prison ministry and serving those who are living behind bars. Support all aspects of family ministry, building reports, and monitoring Pastors calendar, emails and all of the . If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail or contact anyone on our team. :\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,C=n.fn.init=function(a,b,c){var e,f;if(!a)return this;if(c=c||A,"string"==typeof a){if(e="<"===a[0]&&">"===a[a.length-1]&&a.length>=3?[null,a,null]:B.exec(a),!e||!e[1]&&b)return!b||b.jquery? She loves being part of a team that loves each other and others well. On January 1, 2023, Pastor John Hampton retired after a successful leadership transition to Pastor Dustin Aagaard. "HTML"!==b.nodeName:!1},m=fa.setDocument=function(a){var b,e,g=a?a.ownerDocument||a:v;return g!==n&&9===g.nodeType&&g.documentElement? $('body').on('click', '.js-address-block-email', function(e){ // only run WHEN NOT IN editor mode He says, "Journey is the kind of place that greatly formed who I am, a church that proclaims the restorative power of the Gospel, and that Grace makes incredible transformations possible over time. She has a background in administrative services andenjoys helping others get connected to the church body and one another while on their faith walk. "*":""})).replace(Q,"$1"),c,e>i&&wa(a.slice(i,e)),f>e&&wa(a=a.slice(e)),f>e&&qa(a))}m.push(c)}return sa(m)}function xa(a,b){var c=b.length>0,e=a.length>0,f=function(f,g,h,i,k){var l,o,q,r=0,s="0",t=f&&[],u=[],v=j,x=f||e&&d.find.TAG("*",k),y=w+=null==v?1:Math.random()||.1,z=x.length;for(k&&(j=g===n||g||k);s!==z&&null!=(l=x[s]);s++){if(e&&l){o=0,g||l.ownerDocument===n||(m(l),h=!p);while(q=a[o++])if(q(l,g||n,h)){i.push(l);break}k&&(w=y)}c&&((l=!q&&l)&&r--,f&&t.push(l))}if(r+=s,c&&s!==r){o=0;while(q=b[o++])q(t,u,g,h);if(f){if(r>0)while(s--)t[s]||u[s]||(u[s];u=ua(u)}H.apply(i,u),k&&!f&&u.length>0&&r+b.length>1&&fa.uniqueSort(i)}return k&&(w=y,j=v),t};return c?ha(f):f}return h=fa.compile=function(a,b){var c,d=[],e=[],f=A[a+" "];if(!f){b||(b=g(a)),c=b.length;while(c--)f=wa(b[c]),f[u]?d.push(f):e.push(f);f=A(a,xa(e,d)),f.selector=a}return f},,b,e,f){var i,j,k,l,m,n="function"==typeof a&&a,o=!f&&g(a=n.selector||a);if(e=e||[],1===o.length){if(j=o[0]=o[0].slice(0),j.length>2&&"ID"===(k=j[0]).type&&c.getById&&9===b.nodeType&&p&&d.relative[j[1].type]){if(b=(d.find.ID(k.matches[0].replace(ba,ca),b)||[])[0],!b)return e;n&&(b=b.parentNode),a=a.slice(j.shift().value.length)}i=W.needsContext.test(a)?0:j.length;while(i--){if(k=j[i],d.relative[l=k.type])break;if((m=d.find[l])&&(f=m(k.matches[0].replace(ba,ca),_.test(j[0].type)&&oa(b.parentNode)||b))){if(j.splice(i,1),a=f.length&&qa(j),!a)return H.apply(e,f),e;break}}}return(n||h(a,o))(f,b,!p,e,!b||_.test(a)&&oa(b.parentNode)||b),e},c.sortStable=u.split("").sort(B).join("")===u,c.detectDuplicates=! , please feel free to e-mail or contact anyone on our team Menez and proud mother of wonderful. 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