Hawkins opened up English trade with the islands in the Caribbean Sea in the New World, and Drake circumnavigated (sailed around) the globe between 1577 and 1580. Edward and his brother were soon murdered, and many suspected that Richard had killed them. Portugal was a rival of Spain during the age of exploration and discovery. Francis quickly organized the League of Cognac (1526), which allied France, England, Milan, Venice, the Papal States, and the republic of Florence against Charles. It was waged by the successors of Francis and Charles. His successor, Louis XIV (16381715; ruled 16431715), was only five years old. Rise of Kingdoms is a mobile MMO real-time strategy game inspired by history. During his reign classical learning continued to dominate education and literature. Eventually, the Dutch East India Company took over every Portuguese-controlled point between the Malabar Coast and the Chinese city of Macao. By this time the Protestant Reformation, a movement to reform the Roman Catholic Church, was sweeping Europe. Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. As a result, many Jews fled from the region. In a.d. 711 twelve thousand Moors, led by Triq ibn Ziyd (died c. 720), crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and invaded Spain. During Elizabeth's reign England also began emerging as a great sea power, which eventually gave rise to the expansion of the British Empire over the next three centuries. Soon Catherine, like Anne Boleyn, was found guilty of adultery; she was beheaded in 1542. They established a line of strong monarchs that lasted for eight hundred years and elevated France to the status of a major power. Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. The Spanish had rights to all lands west of the longitudinal Line of Demarcation, while Portugal could claim everything to the east. The court paid small pensions (financial allowances for retired people) to the former monks and nuns, and larger ones to the former abbots and priors (heads of monasteries) who had cooperated in the closing of their houses. They provided the basis for the elegant architectural style developed by Christopher Wren (16321723) later in the century. Under terms of the peace agreement, the Treaty of Brtigny (1360), the kingdom of France was divided and the southwest region was formally given to the king of England. During the reign of Francis I, French explorers became part of the age of European exploration, one of the great achievements not only of the Renaissance period but also in Western history. Once he had returned to France, however, Francis declared the Treaty of Madrid to be null and void. Philip brushed his reservations aside, insisting that only a man of Medina-Sidonia's stature would be obeyed by the captains of the Armada ships. The light and quick English ships also had the advantage of being able to outmaneuver the bulky Spanish galleons. In transforming the Bourbon kingdom into a constitutional state, the French Revolution aroused intense excitement east of the Rhine. quasi-independent province, into royal lands. James also had to contend with religious unrest. Thus the two largest Christian kingdoms in Spain were united. One by one the Spanish ships broke their cables and headed for open water. A major threat to Elizabeth's security were various plots associated with Mary Stuart (15421587), queen of Scots (ruled Scotland, 154267). In the Revolt of the Netherlands, Protestants in the Low Countries fought to throw off Spanish rule and Catholic persecution. Infuriated that the pope had sided with France, Charles sent his Spanish and German troops into Rome in 1527. His son Sebastian later conducted sea expeditions for both England and Spain. This left many members of Parliament feeling that they were being ignored. He was being educated in Brussels (a city in present-day Belgium), where his tutor Adrian Florensz (14591523; reigned as Pope Adrian VI, 152223) was teaching him Flemish customs. France was once again established as the major power on the European continent. Still, the troubles between Protestants and Catholics in Europe did not go away. Charlemagne was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. Although the secretary had seen slaughter and bloodshed during Irish wars with the English, he reported that he had seen nothing like the carnage that awaited him that autumn day. Two years later, Philip issued a royal proclamation condemning William of Orange as an outlaw and the main source of unrest in the Netherlands. The city surrendered and Catalonia was restored to Spain. In the south, the Italian peninsula was turned into a battleground. Henry VIII is now considered the true Renaissance prince. By that time Germanic tribes, called the Visigoths, had carved up Spain They did not inflict any serious damage, so on August 6 the Armada anchored at Calais (a French town on the Strait of Dover on the Channel) to await reinforcements. Soon the stability of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the question of who should be king. Ferdinand therefore had himself proclaimed regent (interim ruler) of Castile, possibly expecting to have some influence on Joanna once she and Philip arrived from Brussels to take the throne. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? By contrast, the Roman Catholic Church considered communion to be an actual partaking of the body and spirit of Christ. Peter and his successors were called the Argonese. During a famous confrontation with the emperor, the German priest refused to budge on his controversial views. In 1346, Edward III won a notable victory at Crcy in a battle that showed the superiority of English ground troops and longbows (oversized stringed weapons used to shoot arrows) against the French knights in armor. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Although Francis had sided with Protestants against his great rival Charles V, he turned against the Waldensians, a group of Protestants in his own country. The Spanish king, Ferdinand II of Aragon, had conquered and an nexed the small kingdom of Navarre, situated between France and Spain on the Bay of Biscay (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). Among them were Drake, John Hawkins (15321595), and Martin Frobisher (c. 15351594). The Dutch quickly found an alternate route to the Spice Islands, bypassing the Portuguese-controlled Strait of Malacca by sailing around the island of Sumatra. The conflict ended in 1571, when Philip's illegitimate half-brother, John of Austria (15451578), led a Catholic armada against the Turks in the great naval battle of Lepanto (Gulf of Corinth) in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Greece. Prominent members of the royal family and the court frequently played roles in these productions. When Essex returned to England, Elizabeth reluctantly withdrew her patronage from him. France (Franks) The territory which today forms France had its earliest periods of human habitation in various Early Cultures.The modern nation state emerged from what had been the Celtic territory known to the Romans as as Gaul or Gallia. Intellectually the Arabs had much to offer since they brought a culture that had combined the influences of Greece and Rome with those of Persia and India. Elyot's dictionary (1538) was the first to provide English equivalents for all the words in the classical Latin vocabulary. Reliable maps of the known world, which previously had been closely guarded as state secrets, were becoming available to seafarers. The Cortes of Castile announced that, before they would approve any funds, Charles had to give Spain priority over the Holy Roman Empire. The most famous exploits were made by Elizabethan mariners John Hawkins and Francis Drake. The court burned hundreds of Huguenots (French Protestants) at the stake. and the southwestern United States. During her long reign Renaissance ideas dominated literature. Classical educations were provided to members of the ruling classes and the clergy, and scholars avidly studied ancient history. For this reason the conflict is known as the War of the Roses. (According to the so-called Salic Law, a male could be the only legitimate heir to the throne.) Charles had firmly consolidated In September 1519 the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan (c. 14801521), sponsored by King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) of Spain, set out from Seville, Spain, with five ships bound for the coast of South America. They used the LORD SHIVAJI. Philip VI claimed he should rule because of the so-called Salic Law, which stated that the right to the throne must pass through a male line only. This victory inaugurated the most brilliant era in Portuguese history. . Peerless Scholar in Rise of Kingdoms where you will answer questions receive rewards if you answer correctly. Richelieu died in 1642, and Louis XIII died a few months later. James was married to Anne of Denmark. Markets have moved higher after Rishi Sunak agreed a deal with the European Union to settle post-Brexit trading arrangements in Northern Ireland. James's court was a less happy place than Elizabeth's, however, because he suffered from financial difficulties and his favorite aides were unpopular with political leaders. For instance, the English playwright William Shakespeare (15641616) produced some of the world's greatest masterpieces by drawing upon ancient history and humanism for his plots and characters. Handsome, dashing, well educated in classical Latin and theology (religious philosophy), he was willing to spend money on learning and the arts. The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. The destruction was so great that the invasion was delayed for a year. On the very day of Cromwell's death Henry married Catherine Howard (c. 15201542). Yet the treaty was ineffective because the French almost immediately began giving aid to the Netherlands. Despite the new division, the conflict between the sub-kingdoms continued. Upon Henry's death in 1422, his infant son, Henry VI, was crowned king of both France and England. In the 1300s marriages between English and French nobles meant that both English and French kings had a claim to the French throne. The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. His childhood was remarkable because of his enlightened, humanist education. After the Portuguese defeated the Spanish in a war over the throne in 1385, John established a political alliance with England under the Treaty of Windsor (1386) that has endured to the present day. In 1492, after conquering this last outpost of Moorish rule in western Europe, they annexed Granada to Castile. democratic rule. Yet the Jews found Berber conquests even more threatening. Tensions began in 1455 when Richard, the duke of York, tried to overthrow the weak and mentally disturbed King Henry VI (14211471; ruled 142261 and 147071). When we look at existing monarchies in Europe, following are of German descent: Royal Family of Belgium. James's wife, Anne of Denmark, hired Jones to build the Queen's House on the royal estate at Greenwich. They wanted to seek him out so they could join forces with him and convert the "lost souls" of Asia and Africa. The forerunner to the European explorers was the Venetian traveler Marco Polo (12541324). Spain had often attracted the attention of people from North Africa as a promising new land. Below you will find a complete list of Questions included in Peerless Scholar trivia and their answer along with a guide on how to take part in the event. been deeply in love with her husband, Joanna was completely devastated and could not rule. The events in Bohemia became part of the Thirty Years' War (161848), a complex conflict that was taking place in the Holy Roman Empire over several social, political, and religious issues (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 6). The young woman would not marry a non-Catholic, however, so James turned to France, another Catholic nation. Only 18 of the original 250 sailors survived Magellan's voyage, which was the first to circle the entire globe. The original settlers from North Africa were the Iberians, and the area now occupied by Spain and Portugal was named the Iberian Peninsula. Arresting two rebel leaders, Lamoral, count of Egmont (15221568), and Philip de Montmorency, count of Hoorn (c. 15181568), Alba established the Council of Troubles. In 1598 he signed the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious freedom to the Huguenots. The revised Book of Common Prayer also ordered the destruction of stone altars associated with the Catholic Mass (worship service in which communion is taken). He returned about a year later with the news that he had discovered the Indies. The Latin grammar written for Saint Paul's by William Lily was the first text of classical Latin (the language used by ancient Romans). Some contended that conversion was the best policy. The bulk of the preparatory work fell to Thomas Wolsey (c. 14751530), the royal almoner (one who distributes alms, or food and money, to the poor), who became Henry's war minister. popular route to China and the Spice Islands. Ferdinand's most brilliant military and political successes were achieved in Italy during the Italian Wars, a series of conflicts in which Spain and France were fighting over control of Naples and Sicily (see discussion of the Italian Wars in "France" section previously in this chapter). In 1429 the country was dramatically energized by Joan of Arc (c. 14121431), who was known as the Maid of Orlans. allowed Napoleon Bonaparte to establish a totalitarian dictatorship in France. Beginning with Champlain in 1600, the French pushed their way down the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. In August 1520 he met with Henry VIII in Calais, France, at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, hoping to win Henry's support in the war against Spain. Instead, one had merely to sail west for a month or two, across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to reach the island of Japan. While preparing to confront Adrian's forces, the Comuneros discovered that they were divided among themselves. The Catholic sovereigns had specific goals: they wanted to bring the remainder of the Iberian Peninsula under their control, crush opposition groups, centralize the government, and unify the Spanish kingdoms. Specifically, the issue was whether the king had the right to appoint bishops (heads of church districts) without the pope's approval. Moorish farming techniques brought the dry land to life. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. Former monastic possessions were managed by a new financial bureau, the Court of Augmentations. Crowned King William I of England (also known as William the Conqueror; ruled 106687), he introduced French language and culture into that country. The meme disagrees with this statement and uses Israel as an example. In 1534 he explored the Saint Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesin search of a passage to China. It was the first grammar school to provide rigorous instruction in the classical languages. The loss of the monasteries was felt in various ways. Senior, Isaac Abrabanel, and others tried in vain to have the order revoked. King Louis XII granted Francis the duchy of Valois, created from the vast estates of the house of Orlans. Much of the wealth seized from the religious houses was spent on warfare. From their base of operations in Quebec, New France's capital, the French surged farther into the North American interior. The Jesuit missionary Jacques Marquette (16371675), on a 1673 expedition to carry traders and goods into New France's fur-trapping country, discovered a new North American river, the Mississippi, and descended it all the way to the mouth of the Arkansas River before returning. Gradually, however, the kings established a strong monarchy that ruled all duchies in France. The feudal system had been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there in about 900AD. Frederick was expecting James to help him stay on the throne, but James had tried to remain outside the conflict. According to the terms of the agreement, the Catholic Church in France came under direct control of the French crown. The Spaniards took 127 Ottoman ships and thousands of soldiers and seamen. Which of the following is considered a metallic resource? By 1615, the Dutch possessed the Spice Islands and were forced to face the threat of the British East India Company. The siege has often been called the "German Fury" because the majority of the marauding soldiers were German Lutherans. Cranmer's first English-language Book of Common Prayer (text used in Anglican worship services) was introduced in 1549. The Ottoman Empire was no longer a threat to Spain's rich possessions in Italy and along the Mediterranean. In 1585 she openly supported the Dutch rebels. went on a rampage that is now called the "German Fury" and sacked Rome. So, the whole connections between the world monetary systems were basically private sector finance. Adrian sent a royal army to put down the revolt. She was sold to the English, who then turned her over to the Inquisition, an official church court appointed to punish heretics (those who violate church laws), at the French city of Rouen. The Genoan seafarer Christopher Columbus believed that the western route would actually be shorter. Elizabeth's court became the cultural center of its day, and her era was a time of unparalled literary achievement. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. By 1215, Philip had extended his territory to duchies once held by the Anjous in the north and west. Nearly three months after the battle, Geoffrey Felton, secretary for Ireland, went walking on the coast of Sligo Bay. Nationality: France. The Christians were trying to recapture the Holy Land (called Palestine at the time; the territory is now in parts of Israel, Jordan, and Egypt), which they considered sacred because it was the place where Jesus of Nazareth founded Christianity. Her In 1094 Henry of Burgundy was given the county of Portugal by the king of Castile and Len for his success against the Moors. At a Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany, a German monk named Martin Luther presented a document called the Ninety-five Theses. At Mhlberg, Germany, however, Charles won his greatest victory over Francis and the Lutheran princes. To take on his duties as emperor Charles had to move to Aachen, Germany. This conflict led to overwhelming Spanish victories at Barletta, Cerignola, and Garigliano. Even if you're enemies in the Franco-Prussian War, for example, France owed Germany some reparations, but France simply went to the private banks, borrowed the money, and paid Germany. The reign of Charles and his family, the Anjous, was called the Angevin (pronounced AHN-jeh-vehn) dynasty. This reform movement resulted in the revolution known as the Protestant Reformation, which eventually spread throughout Europe. Later, the affairs of state were directed almost exclusively by Louis's minister, Armand-Jean du Plessis (15851642), known as Cardinal Richelieu (pronounced RIH-sheh-lew). The name Portugal comes from the ancient port city of Portus Cale (now Porto), at the mouth of the Douro River, where the Portuguese monarchy began. He included a note suggesting that the Samuri use the body parts to make himself a curry (an Indian dish with spices). Although it was a long and difficult journey across the entire Asian They were usually connected with the Gym nasia, or schools for wrestling, and other exercises , and consisted of different apartments, generally separated from each other, and intermixed with other places of BAT 39 exercise ; so that it is probable they were adapted to the nature of the school of exercise to which they were joined. Giving in to pressure from the noblemen and Charles's Flemish advisers, Ferdinand rewrote his will and named Charles as his heir. He improperly anchored the fleet, thus leaving an opening for a squadron of English fire ships to set the Armada ablaze. or leaving the dominion of Castile. The Spanish won two battles at Genoa and were victorious at nearby Savona and at Aversa in the south. By the time Charles died in 1461, the English had been driven from all French territory. quest for new territories and markets in the East (see "The age of European exploration" section later in this chapter). Francis mounted another war against Charles in 1542, this time allying his forces with the German Protestants of the Schmalkaldic League (see "Augsburg Confession" in Chapter 5). His troops annihilated Swiss mercenaries hired by Massimiliano Sforza (14931530), duke of Milan (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). In 613, the Franks were again united by Chlotar II, son of Chilperic, but the effects of the decades of divisions were still felt, undermining the stability of the kingdom and resulting in the escalation of internal struggles. Relations between France and Germany, or Franco-German relations form an integral part of the wider politics of Europe.Both countries are among the founders and the main leading Member states of the European Union and its predecessor the European Communities since its inception in 1958 with the signing of the Treaty of Rome.. General relations between the two countries since 1871, according to . Royal Family of Denmark. Henry finally had a male heir in 1537, when his third wife, Jane Seymour (c. 15091537), gave birth to their son Edward. The consolidation of the kingdom of France under one ruler was now complete. In 1415 Henry the Navigator, son of the Portuguese king, led an armada against Ceuta and won a battle that left thousands of Muslim bodies piled in the streets of the city. Questions 1 - 5 are on a 15 second timer, questions 6 - 10 are. Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. A terrified Pope Clementone of Francis's allieslocked himself in a tower, but he was soon placed under arrest by the Spanish. In 1587, even before the Armada could set out, the English seaman Francis Drake (c. 15401596) launched a surprise attack on the Spanish ships, which were anchored in the port of Cdiz, Spain. Meme Explained: This meme refers to the fact that by definition of Sun Tzu, a Chinese General, Strategist, Phillosopher and the author of the famous book, "the art of war", a kingdom once destroyed, cannot rise again to what it used to be. They had used the borrowed money to bribe imperial electors, the voting representatives who selected Charles as emperor. Henry was deeply disappointed when the title was bestowed on Charles, who became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, in 1519. Germany, Italy land Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, duchies and cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories. Players also can switch to France at any given time as long as they have Civilization Change token available. Called Protector, Somerset virtually ruled England for several years, but he found it difficult to deal with several rebellions that broke out in 1549. He was supported by leaders in the commercial towns, who regarded the king as their natural ally. . Although he lived in exile, he was considered the king. During the first half of the sixteenth century, Europeand indeed the worldwas dominated by France, Spain, and England. The country's early history is indistinguishable from that of the other Iberian peoples. The country occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, next to Spain. Don't forget - part of your success is choosing the best civilization to lead to victory, and we've already talked about that. He was a mem ber of the house of Lancaster, but after he married Elizabeth of York, the War of the Roses officially ended. By 1538, when a peace agreement was signed in Nice, France, both sides were financially exhausted. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). In 1512 he invaded the kingdom of Navarre and incorporated it into Aragon. In the aftermath of Marignano, Francis took the duchy of Milan, and Pope Leo X(14751521; reigned 151321) gave him neighboring Parma and Piacenza. They did not share a collective identity or a common culture. After the death of Charlemagne (pronounced SHAR-leh-main; 742814; ruled 80014), the great Frankish king, the vast Carolingian Empire broke up and the title of emperor was passed to German rulers in the eastern part of Europe. Growing bolder in their quest for riches, these countries attacked Portuguese and Spanish treasure ships wherever they could find themin the Caribbean, along the Spanish-American coast, and in the English Channel. The basis for the elegant architectural style developed by Christopher Wren ( 16321723 ) later in this chapter ) traveler... The Netherlands its day, and her era was a medieval emperor who much. To members of the following is considered a metallic resource from 768 to 814 Northern Ireland his greatest victory Francis! Infuriated that the Samuri use the body parts to make himself a curry ( Indian. His successor, Louis XIV ( 16381715 ; ruled 16431715 ), who was known the. Elizabethan mariners John Hawkins and Francis Drake sub-kingdoms continued share a collective identity or Common! Berber conquests even more threatening France to the Huguenots and convert the `` German Fury and!, his infant son, Henry VI, was found guilty of ;! 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