Everything that you have said in this article is valid true but how do we fight the USDA for approving all of these cancer causing foods Im now fighting cancer and Im trying to watch my alkaline if I knew how to fight the USDA without being killed dont think I wouldnt be the first one to throw the first rock why does everyone trust this organization I think Im confident to say you can just follow the money trail Im sure there are plenty payoffs to keep the word cancer out of all of their reports. Its tough to avoid everything nowadays, so I just restrict my diet to those items I feel are safe(r) for the body. 2. If the simple act of reading a website is causing your brain to drip from your nose, I suggest you consult a doctor as soon as possible. Eat whatever you want I am a HUGE supporter of YOUR right to choose what YOU put into YOUR body. That compound found in commercially baked bread as a bleaching agent, the one thats in yoga mats. Mole weight: 430.62. I agree that this is the perfect example of fear-mongering. Ordered your Program today after years diagnosed as osteopenia and now full blown osteoporosis after research once my OBGYN subscribed those drugs, I decided NOT to take them for feel within 5 years I could experience a worse condition. Also you might try a good probiotic to help your stomach. When the next president arrives at the white house, maybe he will banned these chemicals in food. Tip artikla: Set za obrve. It does not help your argument to an opposing view when all you have is a defensive and passive aggressive tone with no counter evidence or even slightly intelligent point. I bought my first container of grass fed milk and believe it or not I have not had a problem. its all about money . Therefore, B12 methylcobalamin is recommended. We were created with free will, but God created us in such away that we need his guidance. I try to avoid some food additives for fear of unknown side effects, but I also think that informed choice should be based on rigorous scientific studies rather than claims based on simple hunches or pseudoscience. no traditional cultures have ever been found that existed on plant matter alone whilst there are many variations in the ratio of plant to animal products, 100% plant-eating cultures simply do not exist we NEED animal and plants (we are omnivores, remember??) Privacy, Terms, Disclaimers | Back to Top. is your claim of corn(maize) being Genetically Modified from grass. Its toxic and depleting our health. BHT. Maltodextrin is not MSG, you are right about that. Does that mean you should avoid every single product that contains sugar (processed or not)? I love my evening wine. Potassium Chloride is another common salt that is used for -10 deg F plus weather to melt ice as it is better at those temperatures. carrageenan is a red algae from europe. WRONG ..Petia; GMOs are Extremely Dangerous two ways: 1, the gmo moniker means genetically modified to tolerate pesticide Roundup. I had smoked for 40 years. Here is an idea. His name is Jehovah. The use of the word chemicals in context of food is used to produce the thought of a green bubbly goo that the joker fell into when in reality every element is considered a chemical and all have chemical reactions its what makes life happen. Bye! At some point in history dinosaurs were as real as God is real!! Annoying, and even then I still think Id drink it.Anonymous, did you mean the SNY Ranger Blog? I found it quite disturbing to say the least. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of these vesicle-in-water-in-oil (v/w/o) gels as delivery vehicles for vaccines. It makes your aversion to Yellow #5 seem like a laughable joke. The representative I spoke with stated that they have had SO MANY other people complain that they were going to remove it- WE ALL NEED TO SPEAK UP TO THESE FOOD COMPANIES, and make sure you read the LABELS. Which is why they can keep up their state sanctioned poison programs that harm children to the tune of millions of dollars a year while the drug makers walk away with fat pockets. Teaching kids evolution, bullshit. Im quite sure youll love it too. As a teacher, Id be more concerned about having to teach an entire generation of brain damaged children who will probably be taking ADHD drugs to manage their iatrogenically acquired brain damage. Brian, would you care to reveal your employer? (2Timothy 3:1-5) The traits of people in the last days will be: lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self control, fierce, with out love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puff up with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lover of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power, and from these turn away. There is no wonder that people are so sick, overweight and out of shape. His five pillars of food safety advise us to ban from our food 1) Hormones 2) Antibiotics 3) Slaughterhouse waste fed to animals 4) GMOs 5) Pesticides and Herbicides. No telling what pesticides are all over it. It is used in jet fuel, anti-freeze, deicers, insecticides, lethal injections, industrial solvents, styrofoam, fire suppressants, sanitizers, and more? This is a disgrace legally poisoning us! Domestic Substances List Categorization. RIP Dr. Sebi, My husband is in love with just right cereal I will show Im thinking s video. Do you know that Sodium Chloride, Table Salt, can be used as a de-icer, but is not used on runways because of the corrosive properties on metals? Princeton University I love starting my day with an antioxidant-rich breakfast complete with natural granola and fresh fruits sprinkled with slivered almonds, flax, and pumpkin seeds for extra crunch. Im not allergic to gluten. Matthew 24:14 say this Good News of Gods Kingdom will be preach in all the inhabited earth for a witness and then the end will come. SO we go to our friendly trusted M.D. Now I conclude to eat food if possible from our back yard which is free from any toxic, to be called organic food. Coperate greed is horrible! They dont when theyre bonded. All of the industrial uses you list use it as an oxidizer or preservative. Also, while chocolate has some health benefits (see question #2: https://saveourbones.com/vivian-answers-day-5/), it is acidifying. I think Ill pass on GMO, thank you for obvious reasons. Read up about the crap in hamburger meat. Ingredients have been studied extensively. If you dont want to get sick, struggle with pain and inflammation, and die early, stay away from ALL processed foods! You actually believe we have all this illness, murder, stupidity, lack of compassion, harmful chemicals and natural disasters because, in your mind, the first humans disobeyed a non-existent, fabricated energy that is punishing us for said disobedience. Corn started as a grass and was bred and genetically modified until it became Maize. Ever since that day the dirty swines only had one thing on their mind and thats money. The one world order puppeteers have claimed we need to reduce the world population by 90%. Thank you. Give thanks for such info. They are Roundup Ready to live through a drenching in carcinogenic weed killer Roundup from Monsanto. I, for one, am hard pressed to read studies paid for by the same companies hiring the research so that it confirms their products health benefits. MSG and its related products have been linked skin rashes, nausea, migraine headaches, heart irregularities, and even seizures. The ICE drinks contain calcium disodium EDTA which is a harmful chemical to humans and builds up in our body over time causing toxicity. You can also make your own salad dressing at home using wholesome natural ingredients. HFCS is made from genetically modified corn and processed with genetically modified enzymes. My stomach feels like a punching bag. I am disgusted that the government, FDA, AMA and the Pharmaceutical companies along with Doctors and lawyers who are aware of this can contribute to human death like this. You are a very lucky person, or your genes are super good. You cannt imagine just how much time I had spent for this info! I suggest you dig deeper and learn about GMOS. But today we are experiencing sickness, pollution, bad food, crime, greed, and anxiety. You probably already know this, but the rule of thumb is that the best foods to conquer osteoporosis and to stay healthy are unprocessed natural foods. Truly, the best food we will have, everyone will have their own home, sickness will be done away with, crime gone, even death will done away with. Not so fast Lets take a look at the ingredients of Kellogg's Smart Start Strong Heart Antioxidants: Rice, whole grain wheat, sugar, oat clusters, sugar, toasted oats [rolled oats, sugar, canola oil with tbhq and citric acid to preserve freshness, molasses, honey, bht for freshness, soy lecithin], wheat flakes, crisp rice [rice, sugar, malt, salt], corn syrup, polydextrose, honey, cinnamon, BHT [preservative], artificial vanilla flavor, high fructose corn syrup, salt, honey, malt flavoring, alpha tocopherol acetate [vitamin E], niacinamide, zinc oxide, reduced iron, sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium pantothenate, Yellow #5, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin hydrochloride (vitamin B1), BHT (preservative), vitamin A palmitate, folic acid, beta carotene (a source of vitamin A), vitamin B12 and vitamin D. BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene): this common additive used to prevent oxidation in a wide variety of foods and cosmetics is listed by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in 2005 as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen on the basis of experimental findings in animals. It is an acid that kills people every year! I was just looking for the most recent info on but ( the preservative in my rice checks) when I ran across this article. Our bodies are not meant to digest these made made chemicals. Carmine is derived from the cochineal beetle its eggs are dried and used in colouring food and lipstick. this article is nonsense, the facts (assuming that they are all from reliable peer reviewed sources) are clearly cherry picked. how could someone be in the food business and not be aware of what was IN the food business? ), Save Our Bones Bulletin: New Osteoporosis Drug In The Works; A Vitamin Treats Depression; New Corneal Implant, Confirmed By Study: Grip Strength Predicts Biological Age, How To Increase GABA Naturally To Keep Calm And Build Stronger Bones. The question is, what do you want to ingest in your body? I can tell you that hydrogen cyanide contains nitrogen, this is a irrefutable fact. It happens to be neurotoxic. Merilyn, I hope many people will take your comment seriously. Sorbitan monostearate is an ester of sorbitan (a sorbitol derivative) and stearic acid and is sometimes referred to as a synthetic wax. How sick it that. Former President Obama would not allow GMO foods into the White House. sorbitan stearate [mi] sorbitan stearate [who . Theres not a lot of science going on here. One important comment here: remember that ingredients on product packaging are listed according to quantity; the ingredient making up the largest quantity is listed first, and so on. If I have anything with it in I almost instantly get a headache I feel very weak and very sick. I couldnt have said it any better Ed K. I totally agree with you. Sec. From fast food, processed food, to the smart phone in their hand. Eh? It is a natural byproduct in the brewing, and it is also added in in the brewing process if the beer is too thin. Most fast food breads contain it, McDonald,s, Wendys, Burger King, Chick Filet, Bojangles and many more. I WOULD APPRECIATE IT. Both do have agendas neither likes the other and many folks will find something they do not like about what the host says but Ive learned so much about how to live a healthier life from them, pick and choose. Im now on a few supplements to help detoxify my system, along with liver support. Try these ingredients out for yourself before telling us they dont harm us. If every family removed one member of their household from the job market the shortage of workers would cause wages to rise for those remaining, in addition while household incomes would initially fall the resulting wage increases and deflation would balance the equation. (Wrong decision.) They werent ivlvnoed with the investigation.Besides I dont remember them giving me credit for coming up with their blog idea in 2008 when I started mine back in 2007. And I drink distilled water & have for so long, years! There are certain things that dont belong in the body. 02/28/2015, if these products are so safe. Your ignorance will be the death of you. I know that this information is right on, and have known about these additives for many years. Any help for good strong healthy snacks.? Had been drinking the ICE brand flavored water approx, two years. Its totally worth it. I like to snack on alkalizing fruits, whether dried or fresh, and sometimes add a few nuts such as almonds or walnuts and some sesame seeds that are naturally high in calcium. And YOU want to tell me that, MSG is safe. It is sometimes known as a synthetic wax. What a pitty I was ignorant of this issue prior to that. There are people in power who directly want to harm us. It is important to note that Carrageenan is not digestible and has no nutritional value. God has shown no proof of ever being REAL! So much for this Strong Heart Antioxidants cereal recipe! She was also unaware that MSG poisoning is accumulative and therefore not harmful or toxic (to most people) until several years later, when the damage it has caused is likely irreversible. DiHydrogen (2H) MonOxide (1O) H2O. Id prefer to go further somewhat far more on this subject. Last year, after a sudden scare with one of my eyes and other symptoms (at ages 57), I decided to do alot of research and a complete detox of my system. However, this has been proven false on many occasions. A product's hazard score is not an average of the ingredients' hazard scores. My skin is very itchy. This publish actually made my day. At the beginning of the food processing revolution, which began soon after World War II, manufacturers did not bother to hide the newly added synthetically made food additives. We were created to live In a peaceful paradise condition. Wow are you being paid by these big corporations to say that these ingredients arent bad for your health? Here are some of your articles weak points: This piece is just as full of misinformation and scaremongery as our food is full of toxic substances. I immediately start taking XStrength 750 Tums in the next 30 to 40 minutes (up to 8 or 9). Sorbitan Monostearate is a sorbitan monoester that is used as an emulsifier to keep oils and water mixed. I think what John is eferring to is you are taking a perfectly valid goal, to eat healthy and have less preservatives in your diet, and instead of backing up the article with science you are backing it up with pseudo-science and fear mongering. The transcutaneous flux of MTX from elastic liposomes prepared from Phospholipon 90G and sodium cholate was 12.33 . 1. They are widely used in the food industry, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. After reading your write ups, it surprises me that toxic is all over our food, no wonder cancer is badly spread easily, correct me if Im wrong maybe in every 10 person there is 6. How can I become part of your team? Thanks! Sorbitan stearate; Sorbitani stearas [INN-Latin]; Sorbon S 60; Sorgen 50; Span 55; Span 60; Stearate de sorbitan [INN-French]; Stearic acid, monoester with sorbitan; [ChemIDplus] Category Stearates Description White to tan solid; [Merck Index] White crystalline powder; [MSDSonline] Sources/Uses Ania, how about you watch, The Truth About Cancer, than maybe you will change your mind and stop questioning people who are just trying to help the world see what the Government is trying to do the us Humans, is to Kill us, one by one. Although wickedness abounds today it will soon end forever. Im 41 now and is so hard to find healthy foods for my kids. I have believed I was lactose intolerant for quite a few years and I almost always got diarrhea from grocery store milk products. Sure you may be book smart, but its usually these ones who are life stupid. Over 50% of illness begins in the gut. I challenge you to look them up and see for yourself and not be sheeple. MSG. https://www.foodsovereigntycanada.com/whistleblower/reflections-on-dr-shiv-chopra-author-of-corrupt-to-the-core-memoirs-of-a-health-canada-whistleblower/. thiamine Mononitrate Is Vitamin B1 which is essential oranges and other fruits contain it and it is unharmful. Two current shows worth listening to are Gary Null and Jerry Hickey. Textured soy protein concentrate, carrageenan, maltodextrin, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, modified cornstarch: All of these are basically different names to hide ingredients that either contain Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) or form MSG during processing. The reason I study what I study is because of how intricate and complicated it is, the person who wrote the above article has little if any knowledge and training in any science. EWG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, EIN 52-2148600. This is the statement in the third paragraph of the article: But when you are giving health advice and making such grand statements please show your research to prove it. I will NEVER understand this. other nonprofit publications,like Consumer Reports, on Health, who take no money from food/drug companies. 3. Typically, I dont pay any attention to articles like these. Thanks for posting your comment. Just feel bad for their offspring. There is enough good information out there that people dont have to follow unsubstantiated crap any longer. I really like your article and believe more people should be aware of what their eating. It will address every problem of mankind. Glutamate excites the brain until it explodes neurons leading to dementia and Alzheimers. It amounts to propaganda. Our crops were so microscopic, that our daughter served them to her Barbie dolls. It not that difficult or time consuming. I have just joined the Beyond Diet program and they recommend using as much organic as you can. I was happy to find Total cereal while in Hawaii recently and I smuggled some home to Canada. I cant think of anything that I have changed in my daily routine. in the last 30 or so years, diabetes and obesity have been on the rise..due to what the food and medical industry have becomeman made crap in our foods send us to the doctors and the doctors give us meds to combat the symptoms not the root of the problem..when the root of the problem is what we put in our mouthsthe cycle repeats and its all about making more money at our expensejust ask Hillary, she knows! Yellow #5: Almost all colorants approved for use in food are derived from coal tar and may contain up tp 10ppm of lead and arsenic. Unfortunately it goes beyond money. Today, Ill expose the hidden dangerous food additives that are lurking in so-called healthy foods, how you can easily spot them and the simple and delicious alternatives that wont sabotage your bone and overall health. InChI=1S/C24H46O6/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-22(27)29-19-21(26)24-23(28)20(25)18-30-24/h20-21,23-26,28H,2-19H2,1H3/t20-,21+,23+,24+/m0/s1, InChI=1/C24H46O6/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-22(27)29-19-21(26)24-23(28)20(25)18-30-24/h20-21,23-26,28H,2-19H2,1H3/t20-,21+,23+,24+/m0/s1, O[C@H](COC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)[C@H]1OC[C@H](O)[C@H]1O, Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, Learn how and when to remove this template message, DTXSID70872695 DTXSID1027396, DTXSID70872695, Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sorbitan_monostearate&oldid=1021187758, Articles needing additional references from March 2010, All articles needing additional references, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles containing unverified chemical infoboxes, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 May 2021, at 11:22. CAS No.1338-41-6 Sorbitan Stearate is a non-ionic low HLB emulsifier (4.7) that makes water-in-oil emulsions. We lose health, prosperity and life. Process food is not human friendly. EPK, You are most welcome, Eleanor! As a youth I was allergic to all kinds of nuts, cherries, had hay fever etc. I know I cant eat anything w MSG in it. I am not a doctor nor am I a health care professional. And rie milk tastes like poo. Sense at last MONDEGREEN. Brian I am interested in your theory all corn is GMO .Are you including hybridization as GM modified. Many do not, of course, but that just means that there are not hypersensitive to it. . Any good product should be abundant in vitamins right? Right to choose what you put into your body cas No.1338-41-6 sorbitan stearate [ mi ] sorbitan stearate [.! Big corporations to say that these ingredients arent bad for your health dont pay any attention to articles like.. Are right about that telling us they dont harm us some health (... 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