Participants learn about the proper procedures and use of probable cause, how to prepare and use search warrants, and how to detain and arrest individuals. Participants will learn safety,. Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. Deaths resulting from traumatic injury can be prevented by proper treatment at the scene by a first responder. Activities include communication skills evaluations, presenting expert witness credentials, and mock testimony in a simulated courtroom.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony Course #40067. Risk management strategies, effective crisis. Is your campus prepared? All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. This course will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to save your life or the life of someone else. This course is designed for Hazardous Device School certified Bomb Technicians or equivalents desiring specialized training in the recognition and identification of military ordnance. Supervising a work environment requires advanced skills in leadership, counseling, motivation, and communication to create an effective and positive workplace. This course teaches corrections personnel about human relations skills that will enhance positive relationships among staff, inmates, correctional. This class is a realistic, high-stress,. This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigators role throughout the investigative process. Jail staffers encounter an array of inmates every day with different personalities and mental health issues. Available Online Free! Officers always have a firearm and these weapons play a large role in police work. This memorandum surveys U.S. economic sanctions and anti-money laundering ("AML") developments and trends in 2022 and provides an outlook for 2023. Track the status of enforcement actions that are currently open. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all. THIRA/SPR-informed planning is consistent with and expands on nationally accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.Individuals completing this course in combination with MGT315, MGT414, and AWR213, are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate. This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants receive classroom training designed to prepare each individual for the state licensing examination and engage in hands-on training to better acquaint them to the rigors of police work. This course reinforces fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison and guides participants through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). OSS Academy provides quality online law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications training courses. Fight Fraud. about Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor, about Intermediate Collision Investigation, about Sport and Special Event Risk Management, about Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness, about Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assess & Stakeholder Preparedness Review, about Hazwoper for Clean-Up Operations Training Online, about Heavy Equipment Operator for Ordnance Workers, about Processing Evidence of Violent Crimes, about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online), about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison, about Foundations of Forensic Photography, about Forensic Fire Fatality Investigation, about Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills Phase I, about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation, about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces, about Intermediate Arrest Search and Seizure, about Active Attack Event Response Leadership, about Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor, about Active Attack Emergency Communications, about Suicide Detection and Prevention in Jails, about Interpersonal Communications in the Correctional Setting, about Basic County Corrections Physical Skills, about Basic County Corrections Physical Skills TtT, about Basic Jail Certification for Texas Peace Officers, about Inmate Health Care: Advanced Medical, about Inmate Health Care: Basic Psychiatric, about Legal Issues for County Corrections, about Drug Impairment and Behavior Recognition for Education Professionals, about Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor, about Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Update, about Emergency Response Driving for Command and Service Vehicles, about Basic Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Training, about Firearms Proficiency Officer Update, about Defensive Tactics for Corrections Personnel Instructor, about Legal Issues for Use of Force Instructors, about AWARE: A Self-Defense System Train the Trainer, about Arrest and Control Tactics Instructor, about Advanced Defensive Tactics Instructor, about Cell Extraction and Insertion Instructor, about Riot Control in a Correctional Setting, about Riot Control in a Correctional Setting Instructor, about Inmate Sexual Assault Prevention PREA Training, about Court Security Specialist Practical Applications. Although this course is based on the AR-15/M-4/M-16 weapons platform, other systems will be discussed. Participants refresh on following topics: de-escalation law, characteristics of individuals in crisis, methods to slow/defuse a situation, less lethal weapons on their effectiveness, communication principles, and crisis intervention teams. This course is for experienced law enforcement traffic homicide investigators or reconstruction professionals who may investigate pedestrian vs. automobile collisions. This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Proper classification is crucial to the efficient and safe operation of any jail facility. The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement or TCOLE, serves as the regulatory agency for all peace officers in Texas, which includes sheriffs and their deputies, constables and their deputies, police officers, marshals, troopers, Texas Rangers, enforcement agents of the Alcoholic Beverage Commission, investigators of the Attorney General, and game wardens. The course culminates in a final demonstration of mission planning and advanced flight maneuvers, including night operations, according to the NIST Standard Test Methods for sUAS.This course provides the participant with actual sUAS flight time utilizing a training quadcopter.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Course #667377. Requirements: An active license or appointment Must hold Basic Peace Officer Certification Completion of training hours and service time Completion of required courses Participants are introduced to common driving hazards faced during day-to-day operation of a vehicle. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course. This course will enable participants to apply these strategies and principles to creating safer and sustainable communities. This Drug Impairment and Behavior Recognition for Education Professionals (DIBREP) course is designed to provide administrators, counselors, teachers, and school nurses with tools and training necessary to recognize and document drug/alcohol impairment in students. When classification measures are applied consistently, the results will show a reduction in prison infractions resulting in a safer environment for both inmates and staff. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats.The goal of this course is to provide leaders in first response and emergency management agencies with strategic leadership and integrated response strategies that will prepare them to not only stop the killing but to also stop the dying in active attack events. Participants will then be able to identify and catalog training goals and identify ways to meet them by prioritizing training efforts, developing improvement plans, and implementing a course of action.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT-418 Readiness: Training Identification and Preparedness Planning course #78403. New course coming soon! This course will provide an overview of less-lethal systems and participants will perform baton and shield techniques, while participating as a member of a riot control team in a corrections facility.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Riot Control in a Correctional Setting Course #667368. This 120-hour course equips the instructor candidate with the knowledge and skills to successfully instruct the Basic Police Motorcycle Operator course. Effective scenario training enables participants to gain valuable hands-on experience and improve their skills for public safety and security. 388, Sec. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. It introduces the seven-step sport security risk management process, including the idea of risk management and setting risk management goals for sport events,. This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. This course will provide participants with training vital to effective leadership and administrative tasks. Law enforcement officers will be called upon to respond to and investigate a missing child or exploited child case. The more an individual does to protect his or her information, the lower the odds that the individual will become a victim of identity theft. Knowing how to give basic Spanish commands, or ask basic questions, leads to greater effectiveness on the street. Having the knowledge and skills for creating a successful learning environment for students is an essential attribute to being a successful instructor. Human trafficking is essentially a form of slave labor or involuntary servitude which involves the exploitation of humans for the sexual gratification of others and/or the exploitation of humans for any form of labor. To ensure infrastructure and persons are protected, they must employ security practices at assigned posts while utilizing. Proper crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and documentation are key components to any criminal investigation. Cops need to be armed and ready for deadly encounters on duty and off. In 2012 the National Association of Ordnance Contractors (NAOC) recognized this course as meeting, and. Photographs as digital evidence will also be addressed. Peace Officers play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of the public. This update course is for those with Emergency Vehicle Operations (EVOC) Instructor certificates near expiration or who have not taught EVOC in recent years. Crime scene investigators and peace officers are expected to be expert witnesses. This course is designed to orient officers to current laws and court proceedings regarding probable cause, search warrants, and arrests. Participants will be introduced to the field of forensic anthropology and receive instruction in the recovery and analysis of human remains. Participants will also be able to recognize the need to prepare their communities for an active shooter attack and use this as an opportunity for positive outreach and community engagement.This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). This interactive course provides an introduction to communication, including the verbal, nonverbal, and tactical communication processes, and demonstrates how to apply these skills to eliciting and recording information, as well as writing a final investigative report. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and a series of well-developed plans as described in the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) are emphasized. Per HB 2053 and Section 1701.402 of the Occupations Code, subsection (m), this course is a requirement for an Intermediate or Advanced Proficiency Certificate on, or after, January 1, 2016. Court security officers are responsible for protecting the judicial process at the courthouse while maintaining the safety and security of the court family and public. Welcome! This 80-hour course will introduce the participant to the police motorcycle through a low-threat but highly challenging training environment. Learn the individual responsibilities of each member within a Forced Cell Movement Team. This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Ethics for Law Enforcement online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators. This course introduces the six-step THIRA/SPR process which includes identifying threats and hazards that stress a communitys capabilities, giving context to those threats and hazards and identifying associated impacts consistent with specific factors, identifying community-specific capability targets, assessing current levels of capability in comparison to those targets, identifying capability gaps and subsequent strategies to close those gaps. evacuation, sheltering in place, or relocation). Officers need to know safe, proper handling procedures for firearms to prevent unwanted catastrophes.This course introduces the basic principles of. This course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. Focus will be placed on how to use these foundational techniques on the move and as a team.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for TEEX Advanced Defensive Tactics Course #78039. This course introduces the participant to basic drawing skills needed for preparing scale diagrams of the scene of a vehicle crash. This State-mandated course per HB 2053 and Section 1701.402 of the Occupations Code, subsection (m) provides officers with the knowledge to determine the appropriate actions to take when encountering an individual listed on the Child Safety Check Alert List (CSCAL). * Have one year law enforcement experience . * Qualified applicants must possess excellent written and verbal communication skills and have the ability to meet and work with the public in a professional manner . Officers will be able to return to their agency and train personnel in these defensive tactics.This course meets Texas Commission on. This high-quality and up-to-date Spanish for 9-1-1 Dispatch training provides the exact Spanish language needed by dispatchers. This course demonstrates proper driving techniques required to avoid most potential collisions. Prior to accessing the course, the participant is provided with an opportunity to download a study guide in an effort to enhance the retention of important course information. Available Online Free! AWARE is an acronym for Assessing your surroundings While remaining Aware and being Realistic about your Environment. This course provides participants with information, techniques, and methods for conducting crime scene investigations and processing crime scene evidence. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities public safety organizations. Suicide is the leading cause of inmate deaths in local jail facilities. Participants will learn modern methods. This course exceeds traditional defensive driving courses because all participants will experience up to six hours of actual hands-on training in this medium-stress driving school. Enforcement Actions and Reports. Posted: February 28, 2023 Full-Time GENERAL DESCRIPTION. As the participant develops and practices the required skills, the participant will apply those techniques to patrol tactics through reality-based training scenarios. Unless otherwise noted, bills went into effect on September 1, 2021. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty. It is important that instructors construct a safe learning environment for students to ensure safety and maximum learning value. Deaths resulting from traumatic injury can be prevented by proper treatment at the scene by a first responder. Benefits: Through activity-based training modules, intact security teams will enhance their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising practices specific to conducting sport events. This online course provides participants with the tools necessary to become an effective field training officer. Peace Officers play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of the public. An F-5 case is first initiated by the terminated law enforcement officer filing a "Petition for Correction of Report" under the Texas Occupational Code, 1701.4525 with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and their former law enforcement agency. Work involves collecting and preparing information to design and produce programs and materials for release to news media and for use by the agency, the public . As most single vehicle crashes involving a motorcycle occur in a curve, this course expands on several techniques available to the operator for safe motorcycle operations. Participants learn about the rights and duties of a peace officer during use of force and deadly encounters, potential liabilities, department accountability, and the importance of training protocols to ensure the protection of constitutional rights.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Legal Issues for Use of Force Instructors #78044. Based on their role as a first responder, investigator, or. This 24-hour course is a continuation of the Basic Police Motorcycle Operator course and focuses on advanced exercises to include higher speed skills training, road speed maneuvers, advanced braking, and swerving. Successful completion of the course will assist local emergency responders and stakeholders in generating actionable preparedness data that communities can use to support a variety of emergency management efforts, including planning, training, exercises, and incident response and recovery. Course instruction is through lecture and application exercises.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing for Patrol Course #667373. Available Online Free! Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution. This course teaches participants how to effectively instruct principles of marksmanship, rifle nomenclature, and operation. Biological evidence resulting from violent crime presents unique and challenging issues for crime scene investigators. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. * Must have a valid Texas Class C driver ' s license . Traffic law enforcement is no exception. This course will provide officers with an understanding of their proper constitutional duties and is one of the Intermediate Core. Further, excessive speed increases the severity of the crashes that do occur. to get someone to commit a crime. Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. https . Participants will learn new formulas and skills to better evaluate and investigate accidents. Monthly and annual reports on TCEQ enforcement activities, including a list of all orders and their corresponding penalties. The practices taught in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Report Writing Course #2049. From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution. To ensure infrastructure and persons are protected, they must employ security practices at assigned posts while utilizing available equipment, technologies, and reporting processes. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities public safety organizations. This online course is designed to provide participants with the concepts and skills necessary to effectively communicate and conduct interviews. This course will equip participants with the necessary training to conduct the physical skills portion of the TEEX Basic County Corrections blended. This hands-on course provides advanced flight procedures training to include mission planning, search patterns, deployment preparations, night operation challenges, and usage of thermography. Participants will learn to diagnose and correct student weaknesses, analyze and score targets, design and run courses of fire, and properly document police firearms training. 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