Arama, l.c.). Knowledge of this print is evident in Jacob Backers The Tribute Money in Stockholm, which he executed during his Leeuwarden period. BRILL is renowned for its publications in the following subject areas; Asian Studies, Ancient Near East & Egypt, Biblical Studies & Religious Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Middle East & Islamic Studies. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Christian theology has always depicted Naaman as the paradigmatic case of Gods will to save people we would normally considered as being unworthy of salvation: Naaman is not even an Israelite, and doesnt share the prophets faith. Elishas healing of Naaman in the Bible (the leper [and] commander of the army of the king of Syria) is a familiar story to many (2 Kgs 5:127). Amsterdam, Museum Het Rembrandthuis; Aachen, Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum) (Zwolle, 2008), 3034, 20411, nos. The name "Naaman" means "nice guy!". Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. It seems unlikely that Jacobszs depiction of this Biblical story would have been suitable for the Regents Chamber in the Leprozenhuis in Leeuwarden. Then Naaman said, "If you will not accept this gift, at least do this for me. But he said, As the LORD lives, before whom I stand, I will receive none. 1 Kings 17:1 And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. Naaman then takes his bath in the Jordan river (as a mikveh) and is healed. Nothing new under the sun there. Naaman was a powerful man and a warrior who was used to giving commands and having those commands obeyed. Israel was therefore Yahwehs portion (Deut 32:9), whereas all the other nations belong to the sons of God whom Israel was forbidden to worship. And the fact that He gives to me so freely and in such a simple way that I can't get any credit for it. lx. In 2 Kings 5:17, Naaman follows the request with an explanation: for from now on your servant will not offer burnt offering or sacrifice to any god but the Lord. The dirt and Naamans new allegiance to the God of Israel are related. 358; see also the RKD website. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? One day his wife's Israeli servant girl told her about the power of God moving through the prophet Elisha. Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts was not always attributed to Lambert Jacobsz. Could he have executed it for the Leprozenhuis in Leeuwarden, much as Pieter de Grebber did in 1637 for the regents of the Leprozenhuis in Haarlem, or as Ferdinand Bol would do in 1661 for the Leprozenhuis in Amsterdam? The Bible doesn't say whether God told him not to receive the gift from Naaman, but we see that Elisha was quick to refuse the offer, desiring only to honor God. Gehazi told Naaman that Elisha had changed his mind and now Elisha wanted the gifts. The Bible doesn't say whether God told him not to receive the gift from Naaman, but we see that Elisha was quick to refuse the offer, desiring only to honor God. Ps. A life of luxury based on the security of wealth, rather than a life of obedience. But he said, As the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. I could buy an olive orchard, a vineyard. Why would God have rejected Cains offering? Lambert Jacobszs Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts depicts an episode from the Old Testament story of Naaman, the widely admired commander of the Syrian army, and the Prophet Elisha, who cured him of leprosy. Rawlinson, "Ancient Monarchies," ii. Originating around the same time are versions of the subject by Jacob I de Wet (161075) and Simon Kick (160352). Because of this, Christian commentators have often interpreted the history of Naamans story as a typological prefiguration of the Christian church rite of baptism, in which Gods grace is freely given to a person who is not quite yet a Christian: in the end, it is a message of Gods grace going to meet the person where the person is, regardless of merit, unconditionally, asking nothing in return. And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and brought away captives out of the land of Israel and a little maid happened to be the servant of his wife. In De Grebbers painting, the patrons assume the roles of Naaman and three of his servants. The artist worked with loose and gestural brushwork. He did not want sin to come between him and the Lord or to hinder the Lord's work through his life because of his greed. But we rebel against that simplicity. Keep them." ; but as the interval between the death of Ahab and the curing of Naaman's leprosy is not known, it is impossible to identify the King of Israel to whom Naaman was sent with a letter. Now Naaman, the general of the king of Aram, was a prominent man before his lord and respected, for through him had the Lord given victory to Aram; and the man was a great warrior, and he was a mezora. It's awfully hard to accept grace gracefully, isn't it? 34). "I know that," he said. Backer had a great reputation as a skilled painter of finely formed hands. Elisha understood Naaman's request and granted it without hesitation. Naaman tells his lord this and he is sent to Israel with a letter to the king. Now Naaman, captain of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man with his master, and highly respected, because by him the LORD had given victory to Aram. It would be simply wrong for Elisha to accept Naamans gift, given the fact the prophet has not performed the healing himself, but God. 1996 Brill Backer A. van Dijck (Landau, 1983), 669, no. Anyone who is stricken with this disease knows that they will endure years of pain and ultimately death. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Please sign in or register for a free Superbook account to watch full episodes, earn SuperPoints and win great prizes. 57b; Deut. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? Around 1627, after finishing his training, Backer moved to Leeuwarden to assist his former neighbor with the production of paintings, especially large-figure history pieces.4 The collaboration between Jacobsz and Backer, his main assistant, must have been harmonious. What capacitance values do you recommend for decoupling capacitors in battery-powered circuits? (Matt. In the Bible leprosy is often a picture of sin. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. Naaman sends a letter to the king saying that he expected the king to heal him! See Hendrik Luitje Straat, Lambert Jacobsz, schilder, De Vrije Fries 28 (1928): 74. R. xiv. Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (2020). 2 Kgs 5:14-17) explains Naaman was a Syrian warlord, who suffered from a grave skin condition (most likely, leprosy). This also shows the place where the king and the people were at spiritually because the king doesn't think to call Elisha there to heal Naaman. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? 5; comp. By using the Superbook website, you accept our use of cookies. Deuteronomy 8:11-14 , Elisha hearing from God refused out of obedience to God anything Naaman offered because after all he was entitled to payment as a prophet. Nevertheless, the now-lost painting represents an episode that immediately precedes the one Jacobsz depicted in the Leiden Collection painting. R. ), "It is, after all, by divine power that men are able to perform priesthood miracles," states the manual. More broadly, the idea derives from Deuteronomy 32:89 (compare Deut 4:1920), where we learn that when God divided up the nations at the Tower of Babel, they were allotted to the sons of God. The nations of the world were, in effect, disinherited by Yahweh as his own earthly family. The Bible calls him "the servant of Elisha, the man of God. Christian theology depicts Naaman as an example for the will of God to save people who are considered by men as less than pious and unworthy of salvation. Why do we kill some animals but not others? Create an account or log in to get started. Amsterdam, Royal Palace) (Lochem, 1975), 4146. Am I God that I can heal him of his leprosy? Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. "And Naaman said, "Here, take a couple of talents of silver," and he was happy to give it to him. Man, I could be set up if I just had a little bit of that loot." Elisha was totally surrendered to God in every area of his life. 4). rev2023.3.1.43269. In which circumstances are we allowed to reject a gift? This event is alluded to in the words "because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria" (II Kings v. 1), and therefore the Syrian king, Naaman's master, was Benhadad (Midrash Shoer ob to. This phrase is used when Moses is in the presence of the Angel of the Lord and the God of Israel at the burning bush (Exod 3:15) and when Joshua meets the Angel of the Lord (Josh 5:15). So, Naaman gave him what he requested (2 Kings 5:23). When he discovered that he was stricken with leprosy, he searched for a cure -- and of course, at that time, there was no cure. But I can't. Then, Gehazi hid the gift and returned to his Master's home. Abraham van Dijck, Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (present whereabouts unknown); Werner Sumowski, Gemlde der Rembrandt-Schler,vol. Was it a time to accept money and garments, olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male servants and female servants?". 20-7 act epexegetically to Elisha's refusal to accept Naaman's gifts is plausible for three reasons. He does, however, ask for sacrificial altar soil to be given him to take back home and that the God of Israel pardon him when he enters the temple of Rimmon as part of his obligations to the king of Syria. cat. And salvation is such a simple thing. BRILL's mainly English language publications include book series, individual monographs and encyclopaedias as well as journals. Naaman was a man with significant duties in his home country. One day, his wife's Israelite servant girl told her about the power of God moving through the prophet Elisha. It is wise to learn to listen to those around you, no matter what their station in life, knowing that sometimes God uses the weak and the seemingly insignificant to speak to us and keep us humble. Lambert Jacobsz, Elisha and Gehazi (Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University, Kingston). 8), which the Rabbis regard as an allusion to Naaman's bathing in the Jordan; the appellation "Moab" is a play on the word "abi" (= "my father"), by which Naaman was addressed by his servants in II Kings v. 13 (Num. This painting was long believed to have been painted by Lambert Jacobsz, but recently has been attributed to Jacob Backer.6. Sent a servant out to me and then tells me to duck in that Jordan River. Jacobsz acted as an art dealer in Leeuwarden, which allowed him to have close ties with artists and dealers in other cities. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Daniel Esparza - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 10/13/19. When the two meet, Elisha tells him rather dismissively that he needs to take a bath in the Jordan River. The baths cured Naaman. 9:18.) Heres where the story usually ends in our telling, but that would result in the omission of one very odd detailwhat Naaman asks to take back home. This excerpt about Naaman in the Bible is adapted from the original article in Dr. Heisers book I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible. When the prophet Elisha hears about this, he sends for general Naaman. Josua Bruyn once remarked that the large-figure paintings produced in this workshopthe Backer-like Jacobsz and the Jacobsz-like Backer paintingswere difficult to distinguish.5 One example of how closely related the works of these painters were during this period is The Tribute Money in Stockholm. thinks the king referred to was Jehoahaz, while Schenkel ("Biblical Lexicon") suggests Jehu, but the general view is that it was Jehoram. See Piet Bakker, De Friese schilderkunst in de Gouden Eeuw (Zwolle, 2008), 140, fig. And the guy urged him, but still he refused. 34) who mortally wounded Ahab seems to have been adopted by Josephus ("Ant." [5], The request of Naaman to be permitted to carry away two mules' burden of Israelitish earth for the purpose of erecting upon it an altar on which to offer sacrifices to Yhwh, reflects the belief of those days that the god of each land could be worshiped only on his own soil. 78. 344, 361). Elisha refused to accept the gifts, but his servant, Gehazi, decided he would "run after him, and take somewhat of him." If the tradition is correct, the Syrian king whom Naaman served must have been Ben-hadad II. In contrast, the figures in the background on the left side were painted on top of the brown background paint. Dan saya sudah mendapatkan ijin dari orang tua saya untuk menggunakan website ini. He was going to buy some oxen, and then he's going to buy some sheep. imdi bu mesaj kapatabilir veya Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz okuyabilirsiniz. In general, he painted directly onto the canvas, working both wet into wet and over dried paint layers. 2, Dutch Paintings c. 1600c. Deuteronomy 8:18 . Didn't go anywhere. God is the one who gives, not Elisha. Not only is Elishas gesture of refusal reminiscent of that in the Leiden Collection painting, but Gehazi similarly stands behind the prophet in both works. Most likely, Naaman would have expected Elisha would come out of his house to perform some ritual, or that he would have led him to some special magic place to heal him. Previous commentary: Next commentary: About this commentary: are made available by the generosity of . In the healing of Naaman we find some interesting things, and one of them is that typically, we, all of us, really have difficulty with just accepting the grace of God. 26:29.) It. What's it going to hurt?" And so it was told to Naaman and he told the king that there was a prophet in Israel that could cure him of his leprosy. For Bruyns remark, see Jasper Hillegers, Lambert Jacobsz (15981636) en zijn werkplaats: Atelierpraktijk in Leeuwarden omstreeks 1630, De Vrije Fries 89 (2009): 78, which refers to Josua Bruyn, Boekbespreking Werner Sumowski, Gemlde der Rembrandt-Schler, VI, Oud Holland 110 (1996), 167. Naaman comes to Elisha, the text tells us, taking with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing. Elisha, instead, had barely an instruction to give, and one that was not even his own: the good old go take a ritual bath in the Jordan. Too proud to follow the prophets all-too-simple instruction, Naaman almost goes back home still a leper! The temptation to use priesthood power for personal gain has plagued man throughout history (see for example the account of Balaam in Jude 1:11and the account of Nehor in Alma 1). Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. For an extensive discussion of this work, see Neeltje Khler, ed., Painting in Haarlem 15001850: The Collection of the Frans Hals Museum (Ghent, 2006), 46869. 20-7). Elisha's servant, Gehazi, was not happy. As a means of thanks, Naaman tries to give Elisha a gift. The first small-figure picture is known only from a description in Lamberts inventory, where it can be gleaned that a landscape formed the backdrop for Gehazis attempt to inveigle Naaman into giving him the gifts. But his slaves suggest to him that he really has nothing to lose by giving it a try: Elishas instructions are actually quite easy to follow. . Just mad. If anyone should have known and obeyed the commandments of God, it was Gehazi. For example, Halbertals book On Sacrifice presents us with the possibility of having ones offering being rejected. This painting was first attributed to Lambert Jacobsz (and dated around 1630) by Jasper Hillegers; see Jasper Hillegers, Lambert Jacobsz (15981636) en zijn werkplaats: Atelierpraktijk in Leeuwarden omstreeks 1630, De Vrije Fries 89 (2009): 6792. Finally, before embarking for Syria, Naaman makes a strange request: to load two mules with dirt to take back with him. A Bible Story for Adults. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. See Albert Blankert, Kunst als regeringszaak in Amsterdam in de 17e eeuw (Exh. He didn't heal Naaman. Sperkitap web sitesini kullanarak, Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz kabul etmi olursunuz. Request Permissions. And he headed home in a rage. . 78. He came to the door to tell Naaman that he should take a dip in the Jordan River seven times. And he urged him to take it; but he refused. So Naaman became enraged. The Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament, uses the word baptizein for the dipping that heals the heathen Naaman from the skin disease called tzaraath. Elisha repeatedly refuses. See Hendrik Luitje Straat, Lambert Jacobsz: schilder, De Vrije Fries 28 (1928): 71, no. But he listened to the advice of his captains, humbled himself, and obeyed the word of the Lord -- and thus received his healing. According to the narrative, he is called a mezora (), a person affected by the skin disease tzaraath (, tzara'at). This is the second contrast we find in this story: that of the pomp of Naaman and Elishas humbleness. Why should Elisha receive a gift for him? After Naaman departed, Gehazi ran after him and asked him for gifts. For Parents Only: CBN Animation Club & DVDs, login to access full-length Superbook episodes, FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE SUPERBOOK DVD CLUB. Now the Arameans went out in bands and captured from the land of Israel a young girl, who ministered to Naaman's wife. lxi.). Jack Kilgore & Co., Inc., New York, 2006. Pieter de Grebber, Belshazzars Great Feast, 1625 (Museum Schloss Wilhelmshhe, Kassel). 1 Kings 18:15 And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely shew myself unto him to day. UFOs and Christianity: What Hath Roswell to Do with Jerusalem? He focused particularly on Naaman's gaze as he quietly reflects upon the prophet's reasons for refusing to accept his gifts of appreciationthe moment of revelation when Naaman came to understand that "there is no God in all the world except in Israel." His painting does not focus on Naamans recovery from leprosy or on Elishas refusal to be rewarded, but rather on Naamans conversion to the true faith.13. So Elisha catalogs the types of gifts that he refused in order to emphasize his role as a mere channel of the divinity as opposed to miracle-worker. Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? Maybe something's gone wrong." The passage ("because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria," II Kings v. 1) upon which the identification of Naaman with Ahab's slayer is based by the Rabbis is referred by G. Rawlinson, however (in the "Speaker's Commentary"), to the Syrian triumph over Shalmaneser II. So his king, his soldiers, and the people of Syria heaped praise upon him. It includes articles on history, literature, religion and theology, text, versions, language, and the bearing on the Old Testament of archaeology and the study of the Ancient Near East. Oh how simple it is. lx. And as they were going along, one of his servants said to him, "You know, had that prophet told you to do some great deed, you know, go out and slay the dragon and get the seven golden apples, had he given you some great deed to do, you would be glad to do it. Among the onlookers to this encounter are Naamans servants and soldiers, as well as Elishas servant Gehazi, the attentive young man at the far right. He was a powerful general, highly respected, and wealthy. Rightfully so. Another composition with small-scale figures is the 1635 Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts in the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. 635 (as Haarlem master); see also the RKD website. You must be logged in to use this feature. The leprosy that was upon Naaman is going to be upon you and your family. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Variables be symmetric and having those commands obeyed been painted by Lambert Jacobsz: schilder, Friese. Sitesini kullanarak, Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz kabul etmi olursunuz Elisha a gift of writing. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers, he sends for general Naaman ones... Painted on top of the brown background paint ; but he refused you will not accept this gift, least... ) ( Zwolle, 2008 ), 3034, 20411, nos see also the website... Are made available by the generosity of by Lambert Jacobsz, schilder, de Fries! Also the RKD website 20411, nos always attributed to Jacob Backer.6 if I just had a reputation... ) explains Naaman was a Syrian warlord, who ministered to Naaman 's wife to his Master & x27... In to use for the Regents Chamber in the Leiden Collection painting those... 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